Spay Surgery Complications

The spay surgery in cats or dogs is performed mainly to control the pet population, which is growing at alarming rates. The spaying procedure, also known as an ovariohysterectomy is performed in female cats or dogs and will also have multiple other benefits, including the reduced incidence of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer. The spaying will also prevent the pet from going into heat and will eliminate the behavioral changes that accompany this phenomenon. Even if the spaying procedure is a safe surgery, you need to be aware of the possible complications that may arise during or after the surgery.

The Ovariohysterectomy Procedure

The ovariohysterectomy is a surgical procedure that is commonly performed in cats or dogs. The procedure will take between 30 and 60 minutes and the surgeon will remove the ovaries and a part of the uterus, so that the pet will no longer be able to get pregnant or to come into heat.

The ovariohysterectomy is a procedure that is performed in females. In males, the procedure is known as castration or neutering. However, the term neutering may also be used for the female sterilization also.

The complications of the spaying surgery include hemorrhage, damage to the ureter or remaining ovarian tissue that require a second removal surgery.


During the spaying surgery, the pet may bleed and she may lose a lot of blood. If the surgery is performed with laser beams, this complication is never met, as the laser procedure significantly reduces the bleeding.

Hemorrhage may occur even after the procedure, if the pet removes the sutures or performs activities that will affect the sutures. Ideally, the surgery wound should be covered, so that the pet will not have access to the wound and will not scratch, lick or chew it.

You should also make sure that the pet doesn’t perform strenuous physical activities at least 2 weeks after the spaying surgery.

The hemorrhage rarely occurs in healthy and dewormed cats.

Ureter Damage

The ureters are the organs that help the transition of the urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

The surgeon may accidentally cut into the ureters and damage these. This problem may be corrected, but an additional surgery will be needed.

Opting for an experienced vet to perform the surgery will make sure that this complication won’t occur.

Remaining Ovarian Tissue

During the spaying, the ovaries are removed. However, it may happen that ovarian tissue is left behind and this will cause the pet to come into heat even after spaying.

An additional surgery will be needed to remove the remaining ovarian tissue; the vet should look carefully to make sure that all the tissues are removed. Typically, the second surgery will be performed while the cat or the dog is in heat, so that the vet can find all the remaining ovarian tissues.

An experienced surgeon should be able to detect all the tissues during the first surgery.

