Stopping a Dog From Eating Feces

A dog eating feces (which is called Coprophagia) may be disturbing for some owners. Not only that, but it can result in a dog vomiting, or having an upset stomach. Feces eating is believed to be a natural born instinct for dogs. Eating feces is more common in puppies than in adult dogs.

Common Causes

Dogs may start eating feces if their diet is lacking nutrients. Weight control and diet foods often contain fillers so your dog feels full. Nutrients may not be properly absorbed if your dog has intestinal parasites. Your dog also may be eating feces due to a physical health problem causing excessive hunger. Dogs can even eat feces out of boredom.

How to Stop Feces Eating

Here are some steps on how to figure out why your dog is eating feces and/or how to stop it.

  1. Clean up feces from your yard on a regular basis; pick up feces as soon as possible so your dog doesn't get the chance to eat it.
  2. Make sure your dog is eating the proper amount of food recommended by your veterinarian. Feed your dog quality foods which contain enough nutrients for the size, age and activity level of your dog.
  3. Consider using products that, when added to your pet's food, make your dog's feces taste bad to your dog. Canned pumpkin tastes good in food to your dog but is repugnant in the feces. You can also try adding meat tenderizer, canned pineapple, pineapple juice or spinach.
  4. Pour Tabasco sauce on the feces so he will associate a negative taste and burn with eating the feces. The product Bitter Apple can be sprayed on the feces, which will repel your dog from eating it.
  5. If boredom is the cause, have interesting toys around while you're not home. More exercise also helps to reduce boredom.
  6. While walking your dog, tug gently on the leash whenever he tries to sniff or eat feces. Be sure to praise your dog for listening and obeying.
  7. If your dog is eating cat feces, put the litter box in an area that he can't access. Litter box covers allow your cat to enter but prevent your dog from being able to get in to eat the feces.

You should avoid rubbing your dog's nose into the feces or yelling at your dog when he's eating feces. This may lead to your dog connecting punishment with just being near feces (rather than eating them), so he'll just eat the feces as quickly as he can. This reaction is due to fear, stress and anxiety. Which is why using punishment while house training is not a good idea.

