Swollen Eyes in Dogs

Many dogs will develop swollen eyes for some reason or another and at certain parts of their lives. There are a number of potential causes of swollen eyes in dogs. Before you do anything to attempt to remedy the situation, it's important that you first be aware of the potential causes of the situation. Swollen eyes may be at risk of infection or potential serious and long term damage. For this reason, it's crucial that you familiarize yourself with the various causes and treatment options for swollen eyes in dogs. Read on for a brief overview of swollen eyes in your pets and how to deal with them.

Causes of Swollen Eyes in Dog 

There are a number of common causes of swollen eyes in dogs. One of the most common is debris. If your pet gets a piece of dirt, food or other debris caught in his eye, he may not be able to get it out properly. You might see your pet rubbing at his eye in attempts to remove it. If that is unsuccessful, or if he's unaware of the object in his eye, he may suffer from swollen eyes as a result. If one eye in particular is swollen, this is oftentimes the issue.

Another cause of swollen eyes is allergies. Dogs with atopic allergies (those that are related to airborne particulate matter) are more likely to develop swelling in the eyes than dogs with other types of allergies, although it can happen in a variety of different types of cases as well.

Finally, dogs with eye infections can have swollen eyes.

Diagnosing and Treating Swollen Eyes 

Because your dog's eye might be especially sensitive and at risk of further damage, do not immediately go and attempt to wash his eye out or to touch it. Carefully look at his eye and take note of any other symptoms, including the following:

  • Discharge
  • Discoloration around the eye
  • Swelling in the other eye
  • Sneezing or coughing
  • Noticeable piece of debris in the eye

Take note of any and all of these symptoms that you're able to see in your dog and then plan to take your pet in to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Promptly resolving this issue is helpful in maintaining your pet's comfort, and it may also prove to be necessary in order to preserve the health and quality of his eyes as well.

There are different treatment options for swollen eyes depending upon the cause. In some cases, you'll need to help your pet to avoid certain substances that may bring about the swelling as part of an allergic reaction. Other times, you might benefit your dog best by giving him antibacterial medicines or antibiotics to cure his infection. Saline washes and eyedrops can help to flush out any excess debris or other materials that may be stuck in his eye and causing your pet's eye swelling int he first place.

