Symptoms of Canine Skin Cancer

There are various types of canine skin cancer and they are difficult to diagnose. Just looking at your dogs skin will not tell you that it's cancer, however there are some symptoms that you should be aware of. Types of Canine Skin Cancer and Associated Symptoms

  • Canine squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a type of skin cancer characterized by lumps or sores and usually develops from too much exposure to the sun. SCC is removed with surgery cryotherapy (freezing) or treated with chemotherapy ointment and does not tend to metastasize (spread). Areas around the nose, nails and mouth are more difficult to treat.
  • Canine Skin Melanoma symptoms are small black spots or lumps of various shapes with or without hair. They tend to grow slowly and are treated the same way as SCC.
  • Cutaneous Hemangiosarcoma takes the form of soft spots on the skin which can bleed. It's also found on the spleen, heart chamber and in the lining of blood vessels.
  • Canine Fibrosarcoma may occur anywhere in the body and is found in the tissue. Surgery is the main choice for removing the cancerous areas.
  • Canine Mast-cell tumors on the skin are removed with surgery and treated with chemotherapy. They have the ability to grow then shrink and take on many appearances.
  • Cutaneous lymphoma appears as itchy, lumps on the skin and attacks the white blood cells

The only way to definitively diagnose skin cancer is to take a biopsy and have the area tested.

