Diagnostic Tests for Feline Herpes Virus

diagnosing a feline virus may require knowing the cat's medical history and observing the clinical signs.

Diagnostic Tests for Feline Herpes Virus

Depending on the particular case, the diagnosis of feline herpes virus is based on several laboratory tests:

  • Immunofluorescent assays
  • Swab samples
  • Smears

Secretions from the conjunctiva or nose are combined with fluorescent-labeled proteins in order to discover the presence of feline herpes antibodies. his process is named immunofluorescent assay and relies on detecting certain proteins synthesized by the immune system that fight the cat herpes virus.

Swab samples are collected from the pharynx, an area that gets infected in cats with herpes virus. The secretions are collected with cotton or gauze and analyzed under microscope afterwards.

Since the nucleus of viral-infected conjunctiva cells present certain structures, smears are also an effective way of diagnosing feline herpes virus.

Feline herpes virus features several symptoms that also pertain to other medical conditions. This is why the vet needs to know how to perform a differential diagnosis. Feline herpes virus can be mistaken for feline calicivirus infection, but the cats that suffer from the latter disease do not sneeze as often and have a less serious conjunctivitis.

