The New Owner's Guide to Canine Health Issues

The canine health issues can be detected judging by a few symptoms. For an owner, it is important to know the symptoms that can be an indication that the dog is ill, so that the dog can be taken to the vet and get help as early as possible.

Symptoms of Common Canine Diseases

If you have a dog, you will have to monitor his behavior and know when the behavior is not normal. There are a number of symptoms that can indicate the dog is affected by a health problem:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea, which can indicate an upset stomach if the symptoms are acute, but may be a symptom of an infection, worms and poisoning
  • Excessive thirst is a symptom pointing to diabetes, kidney disease or a urinary tract infection, but may also be a sign of poisoning
  • Increased urination can indicate a kidney problem, diabetes, a urinary tract or a  bladder infection or even liver issues
  • Weight gain or weight loss can point to diabetes or practically any illness that makes the dog refuse to eat
  • Excessive whining can mean that the dog is in pain
  • The dog may be hiding if in pain, or this can also mean that she is preparing to give birth to puppies
  • Insomnia is also a symptom that the dog is not well, as he may stay up due to pain
  • Lethargy and lack of activity or even hesitation to perform activities can mean that the dog is getting older, he has arthritis or is affected by a different illness
  • Pale gums can also indicate that the dog has toxins in his system and the liver cannot cope filtering these; however, the same symptom may mean that the dog has low blood pressure or he suffers from hypothermia
  • Bad breath can be an indication that the dog has an internal problem, but the problem may also originate in the teeth or gums

Veterinary Checkups

If you notice any abnormal symptoms, you shouldn’t delay a visit to the vet. Even if the dog is not severely ill, he may need treatment.

Regular veterinary checkups are recommended every 6 months if the dog is young and he has no chronic diseases. The checkups should be performed more often after the dog gets old (after the age of 7 or 8), as senior dogs are more exposed to diseases and require additional vitamins and preventive treatments.

Dental Cleaning and Checkups

The health of the teeth is as important as the rest of the dog’s body, as many diseases can originate in the dog’s mouth (i.e. heart disease can start from gingivitis). In addition, dental and gum disease is very frequent in dogs over the age of 3.

A professional checkup per year is recommended to detect possible teeth and gum problems.

