Treating a Dog Bladder Infection With Antibiotics

A dog bladder infection is painful and causes discharge, frequent urination and blood in the urine. After a visit to your vet, you can begin treatment in order to get your dog back to his or her old healthy self.

Symptoms of Dog Bladder Infection

The sex of your dog can determine some of the symptoms of bladder infection. During a bladder infection, males tend to have discharge in the penis, made of blood, urine or pus, which also causes frequent self-grooming. If you notice your dog licking his prepuce, he most likely has a bladder infection.

Female dogs are more prone to bladder infections, as a result of a shortened urethra, which makes an easier route for bacteria. However, bladder infections in female dogs are only characterized by the sexless symptoms, described below.

Frequent urination can be a tell tale sign of bladder infection. If your housebroken dog begins urinating in the house, take your dog to a vet for testing. Furthermore, symptoms can include difficulty urinating, and blood in the urine.

Bladder Infection Diagnosis

The catheter is one of your vet's best diagnosis tools for bladder infections. Not only does it obtain a urine sample directly from the urethra, if the catheter cannot be inserted into your dog's penis, your dog's bladder probably has a stone obstruction. You can also check for bladder stones through an X-ray. The vet will then perform a culture of the urine to check for bacteria growth.

Dog Bladder Stones

Dog bladder stones occur when a crystallized mineral separates from the urine in the bladder. Other crystals join, creating a stone, which blocks the passage of urine. Although it is possible to dissolve bladder stones using medication, surgical procedures tend to have a higher success rate.

Treatment for Dog Bladder Infection

Dog bladder infections are typically treated using a 14-day course of oral antibiotics. Administer the pill as you would his or her monthly heartworm treatment, by either hiding in food or dropping the pill at the back of the throat, then massaging the neck to prompt swallowing.

As you would treat your own urinary tract infection, encourage your dog towards drinking lots of water. This causes more frequent, productive urination, which helps to flush out bacteria.

After the course of treatment, bring your dog into the vet to have his or her urine rechecked. Your vet can determine if treatment has cured your dog's bladder infection, in which case you should stop antibiotics and continue efforts to prevent further infection.

