Treating Hypothyroidism With Thyrozine for Dogs

Thyrozine, also known as Levothyroxine Sodium, is a common medication used by veterinarians to treat hypothyroidism in dogs. Thyrozine acts as the naturally occurring thyroxine, which is the thyroid hormone that dogs normally produce themselves. A sluggish or atrophied thyroid gland is the cause of hypothyroidism in dogs. When the thyroid gland does not produce enough of the thyroid hormones the dog will develop a slow heart rate, will appear lethargic, less alert behavior and will often sleep more.

Determining if a Dog Has Hypothyroidism

If a dog is displaying the symptoms of hypothyroidism, then a veterinarian will need to do a blood test to confirm the suspicion. A full panel blood test will measure the levels of thyroid hormones in the dog and will help the veterinarian effectively diagnose the dog.

Proper Dosage of Thyrozine

The veterinarian must determine the proper dosage levels of Thyrozine. The dosage amounts vary based on the current thyroid hormone levels in the dog and the dog's weight, as well as any other extenuating circumstances that may exist.

Required Monitoring

Treating a dog with Thyrozine is not just as simple as giving them a pill and moving forward. Ongoing monitoring is required to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. Blood test every four weeks to check the dog's T-4 blood levels will be necessary. The veterinarian uses the results of the regular blood tests to determine if the medication levels need adjustment to improve the overall effectiveness of the medication.

Side Effects of Thyrozine

When a dog received the properly prescribed amount of Thyrozine, side effects are minimal. There is a risk of overdose if too much medication is given, but that can be easily avoided my recording the when the dog receives the medication each day.

Administering Thyrozine

Thyrozine comes in pill form. Dogs often take pills when they are combined with their food, or on a spoon with peanut butter. Chewable Thyrozine tablets are also available and prove to be an easy way to administer the medication.

Long-Term Treatment

Dogs often develop hypothyroidism when they are middle age or older. While the condition can and does occur in younger dogs, it is not common. Long-term treatment with medication is required regardless of when the dog develops the chronic disease. This will mean providing the Thyrozine for the rest of the dog's life. Unlike hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism does not go into remission.

Hypothyroidism is a very common disease in many breeds of dogs. The disease of Hypothyroidism is treated effectively through medication and proper monitoring once diagnosed. Dogs diagnosed with hypothyroid disease respond well to proper treatment and the symptoms of the hypothyroid disease subside within just a few weeks of beginning the Thyrozine medication. Due to the low occurrence of side effects with the use of Thyrozine, long-term treatment in dogs is not a worry as it can be with other diseases the medications used to treat them.

