Treating Urinary Incontinence in Dogs with Propalin

Propalin is one of the most commonly used, and most effective, medications for treating canine urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence occurs when a dog can no longer control the secretions of their bladder. Urinary incontinence is not a voluntary release of urine, but rather an uncontrollable release of urine. Identifying and treating this condition is of the utmost importance because it usually concludes the presence of an underlying condition.

Causes of Urinary Incontinence        

Urinary incontinence is not a condition that appears on its own, but rather a condition that usually can be attributed as the symptom of a separate infection or condition. Although it is slightly more common in breeds that are larger, the condition does not discriminate between genders or breed.

When the condition is present in older dogs, it may not be due to an underlying condition, but rather from old age and loss of muscle control. Because as a dog ages, the muscles tend to become weak, the muscles of the urethra and bladder are not exempt.

Kidney problems and bladder infections can also be to blame for incontinence. If the kidneys produce a condition known as kidney stones, the urethra, the tube that leads from the bladder for excretion, can sometimes become blocked and interfere with a dog's normal ability to urinate. Likewise, an infection of the bladder can cause a condition where a dog looses the ability to differentiate the feeling of needing to urinate.

Symptoms to Consider

The symptoms of urinary incontinence are typically very obvious. When you notice that your dog starts to urinate more often or in places that he normally wouldn't, urinary incontinence should be suspected. Because urinary incontinence is often misdiagnosed by a dog owner as a behavioral issue, the symptoms are something that dog owners should be aware of a possible culprit before they reprimand their dog.

Any of the following symptoms can be attributed to canine urinary incontinence:

  • Excessive urination
  • Non-ability to hold in urine for normal periods of time
  • Urinating in uncommon places
  • Leaking urine while walking or during normal activities

Diagnosing Urinary Incontinence

The diagnosis of urinary incontinence is usually made by physical examination, review of the symptoms and a urinalysis. Initially, the diagnosis can usually be made by review of symptoms alone. However, the importance of the urinalysis is to check for any bacteria which may be in the bladder or urinary tract; indicating a bladder infection. Additionally, x-rays may be order if kidney stones are suspected.

The diagnosis of urinary incontinence is relatively simple; however it is important that it be followed up with other testing to determine what has caused it so that underlying condition may be treated, as well.

Treatment with Propalin

Propalin is mainly used to treat urinary incontinence when it is due to the laxity of muscle control. Muscle control is usually lost when there is spasmodic activity occurring in that general area. Propalin works to control this muscle spasm by strengthening the muscles in that area.

Propalin is a prescription medication and cannot be bought over the counter. The medication is given daily in chewable tablet form and the dosage can vary depending upon the severity of the incontinence and the specific conditions of your dog.

