Treatment for Allergy Induced Asthma in Dogs

Dogs with this type of asthma may improve with effective treatment for allergy and the proper medications that are prescribed to treatment asthma. The veterinarian will determine the cause and appropriate treatment for the dog's asthma.

Medications to Treat Allergy Induced Asthma in Dogs

Allergy induced asthma in dogs can be triggered by an exposure to allergens, such as artificial colors in foods, mold, dust or pollen. Various stimuli can cause the smooth muscles of the bronchi (air passages into the lungs) to constrict, which makes it difficult for the dog to breathe.

The most common symptoms of asthma in dogs are coughing, wheezing and difficulty in breathing.

Once the veterinarian determines the diagnosis is asthma, treatment may consist of steroids, antihistamines, bronchodilators, or a combination of these medications.

Medications can decrease inflammation and dilate the bronchial airways, so your dog can breath properly. Your vet may prescribe a specific medication for your dog and evaluate its effectiveness. There are several medications that can be prescribed to treat asthma. Medications will not cure asthma, but they may lessen the frequency and intensity of the dog's asthma attacks.


Steroids can decrease the inflammation in the dog's airway. The veterinarian may prescribe steroids in an inhalant, oral or injectable form. Prednisolone is an example of an oral steroid medication. Fluticasone (Flovent) is available by prescription as an inhalation aerosol medication to treat asthma.


Antihistamines may be prescribed to treat allergies and systemic hypersensitivity because they block the action of histamine. These medications can also dry up excess fluid in the bronchi. Antihistamines may be effective for dogs with allergy induced asthma, but they may not be effective for dog's with asthma that is triggered by exercise.


Bronchodilators are medications that relax the bronchial muscles and expand the airway, which makes it easier for the dog to breath. Albuterol is an example of an inhalation aerosol medication in this category.

Method of Administration for Medications

Some asthma medications are prescribed for oral administration, others are inhaled or injected. If your veterinarian prescribes an inhalation aerosol medication for your dog, he should teach you how to properly administer the medication.

You may need to put a specially designed inhalant mask over your dog's nose and mouth. Your dog will need to inhale the medication. You can help your dog tolerate this procedure by talking to him calmly and gently patting him to keep him relaxed.


Some dogs have severe asthma attacks, even when they routinely take prescribed asthma medication. The vet may prescribe an EpiPen, an injectable epinephrine medication to keep on hand for emergency purposes. Epinephrine should immediately reduce swelling in the airway and relieve bronchial spasm. Your vet will need to teach you how to administer an injection to your dog, if needed.


Supplemental oxygen may be prescribed for dogs that have severe asthma attacks.

Environmental Factors

It may be helpful to keep your home free of environmental irritants, such as dust and tobacco smoke. Asthma is a very manageable condition in dogs.

