Treatment Options for Canine Sneezing

Canine sneezing though common is a matter of concern if the sneezing continues for more than two days and if there are other symptoms along with it. A sneeze is a semi-autonomous response to an irritation in the nasal passage. Sneezing helps clear out the source of irritation or bacteria. Before you learn how to treat canine sneezing, it's essential to understand the various environmental and medical reasons that cause the condition.

Causes of Canine Sneezing

* Respiratory tract infections are known to cause sneezing in dogs. Kennel cough is contagious in animals and causes respiratory infections. Along with sneezing the dog may have nasal discharge and fever. * Allergens that exist in the environment or surroundings can cause nasal allergies in your pet. Dust, mold, pollen and dander are most common allergens. Cigarette smoke also induces allergy that causes sneezing. * You dog might be suffering from a tooth abscess. Dogs have premolar teeth in close proximity to their nasal passage. If the tooth is infected or has an abscess, your pet will start sneezing. * Sinusitis inflammation causes canine sneezing. * Intranasal tumors or vascular growths can make your dog sneeze. Bloody nasal discharge may accompany the sneezing and requires prompt treatment. * Sometimes your pet may sneeze due to foreign bodies lodged in his nostril. The sneezing may help to force out the foreign objects. If you notice your dog pawing his nose, it's quite likely that a foreign object is stuck in his nostril.

If your pet has bloody nasal discharge the vet will conduct tests to diagnose the severity of the condition. The tests include physical examination, x-ray and blood test.

Treatment Options for Canine Sneezing

* Most respiratory tract infections can be treated by giving your pet a prescribed course of antibiotics. Respiratory tract infections should be treated in time before they intensify to pneumonia. Vaccinate your pet regularly as certain viruses like influenza cause severe infection. * Tumors or growths in the nasal passage can be surgically removed and should be tested for malignancy. Chemotherapy is also used to treat tumors. * Sneezing generally expels the irritation and in some cases the foreign bodies lodged in the nostrils. If your dog is still in discomfort, the vet may have to physically remove it. * If your pet is diagnosed as suffering from allergies, you can follow several simple tips to overcome the sneezing. Keep his surroundings free from dust or mold and walk him outdoors, when the traffic isn't high. Make sure you keep him indoors when pollen levels are severe and remember that a smoke free environment is conducive to your dog's health. * Sometimes respiratory infections due to nasal mites cause canine sneezing. Anti-parasite medication can bring the sneezing under control.

Dogs require clean environments, regular vaccinations and a good diet for overall good health. Consider supplementing your pet's diet with vitamins and minerals to boost his immunity against viruses and bacteria. There are several over the counter nasal relief drops that soothe the discomfort due to sneezing. However, don't suppress the sneezing or coughing and monitor your dog's behavior for any unusual changes. If your dog shows signs of heavy breathing gasping or panting along with sneezing, vet intervention is essential.

