Safe Treats for Dogs With Kidney Disease

Feeding dogs with kidney disease requires taking a close look at what the dog is being fed, including his treats. Because treats comprise such a small portion of a dog's diet, many believe that treats have an inconsequential impact on renal health. Even though treats make up such a small percentage of canine food intake, it is still important to be aware of the dietary content of the snacks fed.

Treat Recommendations for the Kidney Impaired Canine

Since many of the canine kidney formulations are canned or wet food, the product can be cut up into treat-sized bits and baked on a cookie sheet in the oven to make them crunchy. Treats should then be stored in a plastic container or zipper bag in the refrigerator to keep them from spoiling.

Look for treats with lower phosphorus levels. Limiting phosphorus intake for a dog with kidney disease is important to slowing the degradation of kidney health. Lower potassium levels are also important as both potassium and phosphorus will accumulate in the kidneys when not functioning properly.

While treats have less of an impact than daily diet on a dog with impaired kidney function, it is still important to provide treats that have the least amount of impact possible. Treats can still be enjoyed as special rewards for renally impaired canines.

