Understanding Feline Tick Protection

Ticks are parasites that feed on animal and human blood. A feline tick bite may lead to a number of serious diseases and infections. Protecting your cat against tick-caused diseases is essential to maintaining his health.

Identify a Tick Bite

Ticks are present mainly in the tick season. The tick season starts in May and ends in September, but the season may vary according to your location. Woodlands, bushy or mountainous areas present a higher risk of tick bites.

The tick is a black insect that will be visible on the surface of the skin of a cat that has been bitten. Tick bites may occur in more hidden areas, so make sure to check the ears, between the toes or under the tail.

Tick Bite Disease Symptoms

Ticks are carriers of bacteria and diseases and may infect the cat with lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever or even cause paralysis.

The symptoms of tick bite infection include:

  • Fever
  • Limping
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Joint pain and swelling
  • The bite area may even secrete pus

The infections caused by ticks may become serious if left untreated, and this is why prevention and treatment are essential.

How to Remove a Tick

When you want to remove a tick you have to make sure that you remove the entire insect. Use a pair of surgical gloves, because ticks may infect humans too.

Sterilize a pair of tweezers and extract the insect, starting with its head. It is better to remove the head first, as otherwise, the tick may release the remaining poison in the cat's skin. Clean the skin with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and then apply a cream that contains antibiotics.

Ticks must be removed as soon as you notice them. It takes up to 4 hours for the tick to transmit an infection to the cat, so if you extract the tick in a timely manner, you may prevent an infection.

Keep the tick in a sealed recipient, as it may help your vet when prescribing the medication for a possible infection.

Cat Flea and Tick Medication

According to the infection that was caused by the tick, the vet will prescribe cat flea and tick medication. Typically, cats will get antibiotics that will heal the infection.

You may also find a number of feline flea and tick shampoos that will relieve the skin irritation and soothe the area.

You may also purchase medication that will kill the ticks; typically this will be a topical liquid that may also be used as a preventive measure. Opt for waterproof solutions for maximum effect.

There are several types of ticks, so talk to your vet to prescribe your medication that is effective for the type(s) in your area.

You can help prevent tick bites and infections by using flea and tick medication, and by grooming your cat daily. Make sure you observe any unusual spots or bites. Give your cat a flea and tick collar to help keep these parasites away.

