Urinary Health Cat Food

Urinary health cat food is important for felines that have various urinary tract issues, such as recurrent infections or kidney stones. The content of food influences the acidity of the urine and may facilitate the occurrence of certain health issues or may protect the cat from these problems. It's essential to identify the urinary problems your cat is most prone to, and adjust the diet accordingly.

Diet for Kidney and Bladder Stone Prevention

Kidney and bladder stones are common in cats and their occurrence is related to the diet. The alkaline pH of the urine can increase the incidence of kidney or bladder stones. The pH of the urine is determined by the food the cat consumes. Ideally, to prevent kidney and bladder stones, the urine should be acidic. When the cat's diet is full of fillers and carbohydrates and poor in proteins, the urine will be most likely more alkaline.

The content of magnesium may also be important to prevent kidney and bladder stones. Check the labels and make sure there is no more than 0.025 percent magnesium content in the food.

On the other hand, the sodium content may speed up the formation of kidney stones, so the content of sodium should be lower. Don't eliminate sodium from your cat's diet, because it's essential for water retention in the body and the hydration of the system.

Check the labels of the food and opt for products that maintain a proper pH of the urine.

Food to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are also frequently met in cats and may be due to bacteria that gather in that area. However, the pH of the urine may also facilitate the development and multiplication of the bacteria.

Opt for foods that have a lower carbohydrate content, because these will make the urine alkaline. Ideally, the content of carbs should be below 10 percent, and there should be a content of proteins between 18 and 25 percent, which will make the urine more acidic. The acid in the urine will kill the harmful bacteria and prevent the development of an infection. The content of fat in the food should be between 10 and 15 percent. The more fresh ingredients in the cat's diet, the better. You can use vegetables such as carrots as treats or snacks.

Water Intake

The diet of your cat should contain sufficient amounts of water, because a lack of water may lead to dehydration and urinary tract problems such as kidney stones and urinary tract infections. The water intake of a cat should be between 400 and 600 ml per day. This is the amount of water you can give your cat if he is on kibble food. If he has a wet diet, this contains a certain amount of water to begin with, so you may give your cat only 200 to 400 ml of water per day.

