Viruses That Cause Hives in Dogs

It is misconception that viruses cause hives in dogs. While there are some viruses that may result in rashes or irritated skin in your pet, true hives are generally only formed as a result of a reaction to some type of offending substance.

Some of the viruses that do cause irritation that may resemble hives in dogs include immune-mediated diseases, seborrhea and non-viral affects like fungus and bacteria. Parasites may also cause hives or hive-like rashes in your pet as well.

Dog Hives Overview

Technically, canine hives are a quick reaction to contact with some sort of substance to which your pet is sensitive. The hives will generally develop within 15 to 30 minutes of the contact with that substance. They are likely to exist just on the part of your pet's body that came into direct contact with the substance, although in more extreme cases and for more heightened sensitivities they may be spread over a greater part of the body. Typically, hives will disappear within about a day or so.

The most common cause of hives is an allergic reaction. Allergic reactions to chemical products around the home, ingredients in food and many other items in your pet's atmosphere can cause any number of different types of hives. They usually appear as small red bumps or other red irritated spots on your pet's skin. They can be the cause of pain or itchiness.

Hives may be also caused by vaccinations or other drug injections. They can be caused by presence around insecticides or pesticides that are used in or on your home. They can be caused by insect bites. Finally, hives can also come about if you give your pet a new set of food or even a new shampoo to bathe him with, as his body may be sensitive to the change in chemical composition of the item.

Treating Hives in Dogs

After you've recognized your dog's hives, it's typically a matter of making him comfortable until they go away. However, if the hives haven't disappeared within about a day, you should plan to examine any factors that may have changed in your pet's life. Think of new substances he may have been exposed to or new places he may have gone.

If the hives persist, take your pet in to the vet for examination. It's possible that he has a more serious reaction or that the hives are symptoms of another issue entirely. If hives persist, it's more likely that they are a separate and different rash that is caused by a virus like one of the ones listed above. For more information, speak with your vet.

