Vision Care and Correction

Dog vision is complicated, and differs in some ways from our vision, but taking caring of a dog's eyes isn't much different from taking care of our own. Here are some tips for successful vision care.

Prevent Allergies Affecting Dog Vision

Dogs are frequently affected by the same allergies as humans. In order to prevent allergic reaction like dry eye or swollen eyes, try to avoid areas with lots of pollen and dirt.

Check the weather reports for information on pollen counts before going out for a morning walk. If the weather is reported as being unhealthy for you, it's probably unhealthy for your dog too.

To fight against allergic reactions borne from interior allergens, keep your house clean and dust-free. This should prevent your dog from contact with the unnecessary debris as well.

Get Eye Exams Regularly, Especially for Purebreds

If you own a purebred dog, make a point of including an eye check in your yearly visit. By diagnosing disease early, it's possible to prevent escalation into blindness, as well as completely reverse the effects. Many dog eye diseases are easily cured, as long as they're identified early.

Vision checks are important for mixed breed dogs as well. If you see any evidence of redness around the eye, sensitivity or swelling, you should contact your vet, as these can be signs of serious disease.

Surgery for Cataracts and Cherry Eye

Ocular surgery is fairly common for dogs, particularly in purebreds that are prone to genetic diseases. Two of the most frequent procedures done in vet offices are surgeries on cataracts and cherry eye.

Cherry eye is a common problem for bulldogs, as well as other purebreds with congenitally weak eye tissues. The customary procedure for cherry eye is the surgical transposition of the tear gland under the nictitating membrane. The surgery has an 80% success rate.

Cataract surgery also has a high success rate: 90% for animals accepted for surgery. Cataract surgery involves the removal of the affected lens after the animal presents a visual deficit.

Dog Eye Drops for Optimal Dog Vision

Most vets prescribe eye drops after any eye surgery or infection, as well as for dogs that suffer from dry eye, also known as keratoconjuntivitis sicca. Don't be surprised if you face a struggle when trying to administer eye drops to your dog. Consider muzzling your dog before administering drops to protect yourself from accidental biting.

Before attempting to use the eye drops, clean around the eye, removing discharge and debris in order to decrease the chance of irritation. Hold onto your dog's head, while attempting to restrict whole body movement, while soothing and reassuring your animal.

Gently open the eye requiring eye drops using the hand supporting the dog's head. Keep a firm grip, as the eye has to stay open for the full dosage.

Using your other hand, shake the bottle to mix the ingredients, and then administer the proper dosage as recommended by your vet, and do not let your dog move until you've applied all that he or she needs. Afterwards, your dog will blink in order to spread the medication. Show love and care afterwards, so that your dog will struggle less in the future.

