Why Does Your Cat Vomit Blood?

If there is blood in cat vomit, it can be a serious problem caused by gastrointestinal disorders. However, it could be caused by something much more simple.

Causes of Vomiting Blood

If the blood in your cat' vomit is bright red, it is fresh. That means it might be caused by external bleeding that the cat licked, or bleeding in the mouth. It could also have been caused by an object such as a bone cutting the throat, as it was being swallowed. These are more minor symptoms and may not require a veterinary visit. However, if it persists, it could be a more serious problem.

Partially digested blood is brown, resembling coffee grounds. This is a little more serious because it indicates an internal cause of bleeding, which requires a trip to the vet for a full checkup.

Causes of blood in the vomit include:

  • Bleeding tumors
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Clotting disorders
  • A negative response to medication

Other symptoms to watch out for to alert you of a serious problem include:

  • Anorexia
  • Diarrhea, especially with blood or black blood, which indicates an internal cause
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pale gums
  • Rapid breathing
  • Weakness
  • Seizures
  • Bleeding in other parts of the body

Diagnosis of Cause

If there is blood in your cat's vomit, save a sample for the vet. This may or may not help him diagnose the cause. Most likely, he will have to run many tests. Hospitalization, at least temporarily, might be necessary.

Your vet will most likely run a complete blood panel, biochemical profile, urinalysis and clotting profile. Depending on the results, she might also perform abdominal and chest X-rays or an endoscopy, where your cat is put under anasthetic while a small camera is run down the gastrointestinal tract on a thin tube, to look for ulcers or blockages. If your cat is bleeding from any other areas, those will also be inspected.


Treatment will depend on the cause of the bleeding. If additional tests need to be run, your veterinarian might recommend hospitalization or send you home with medication to reduce stomach ulceration.

If there is a blockage, tear or ulceration, your cat probably won't be able to eat or drink anything, so he will need IV fluids and electrolytes. Food is usually withheld for 12 to 36 hours to clear out the gastrointestinal tract, and after that, a soft, bland diet is recommended. If your cat is allowed to hunt, you might need to restrict his access outdoors for a few days.

Medication should be given with caution because some can make stomach bleeding worse. However, there are medications that soothe the lining of the digestive tract, which can be helpful.

If the bleeding is caused by anemia, medication and blood transfusion will be necessary. If it's caused by a blockage or tumor, immediate surgery might be required.

While there are some minor causes of vomit in the blood, most of them are serious. If you see blood in your cat's vomit, consult your veterinarian immediately.

