Winstrol for Dogs

Winstrol is a medicine that is formulated for use in both humans and animals and which belongs to a group of drugs called anabolic steroids. While most people will recognize anabolic steroids as a supplement that helps to increase muscle mass and strength, these drugs can also have other health benefits as well. Particularly, they can be used to help provide old and ailing animals with additional strength. Therefore, Winstrol is a good choice for an animal that is weak and ailing from certain other types of conditions.

Winstrol Overview

Winstrol is the brand name drug of a medicine called stanozolol. When present in your dog's body, stanozolol and other anabolic steroids increase the testosterone levels in your pet's blood. This strengthens your dog's bodily tissues and brings about the creation of more red blood cells as well. This can be used to help increase your pet's appetite and to provide your dog with additional strength if he is weakened. It can also help to treat the effects of certain anemia problems by making more red blood cells.

Because of the fact that Winstrol is also a medicine that is formulated for human use, and because this and other anabolic steroids can easily be abused, only certain veterinarians will be able to prescribe this medicine. It is available through a veterinarian's prescription only.

Using Winstrol for Your Pet

There are two ways that Winstrol is available to give to your pet. The first is in tablet form and is much more commonly used. Tablets of the drug can be included in your pet's food dish or along with a treat. A second method is used more specifically in cases where you're hoping to rehabilitate or strengthen a particular part of your pet's body and is given as an injection. The tablets are typically provided once or twice per day, while the injection can be delivered once per week.

The exact method that you deliver Winstrol to your pet's body, as well as the dosage of the medicine, will be dependent upon your pet's overall health, his age, his size and any other medicines that he's taking.

Risks and Side Effects of Winstrol

Winstrol can cause a number of side effects in your pet, and it should be closely monitored. First, it's important to recognize that Winstrol can interact with other drugs in your pet's system to cause certain problems and harmful effects. It's not good to provide your pet with Winstrol if he has liver or kidney damage as well.

Some of the most common side effects of this medicine include:

  • Liver damage
  • Behavior changes
  • Aggression

These side effects are typically associated with long term use of Winstrol, but they may come about at any time, so it's important to keep a close eye on your pet while he's taking this medicine. Check in regularly with your vet to be sure that the dosing levels are appropriate and that the medicine is effective.

