Worms in Cats' Vomit

Worms in cats can cause several symptoms and it is not uncommon for cats to vomit worms. If you find worms in your pet's vomit you should immediately get a clear diagnosis from the vet and administer treatment. Intestinal worms are rarely a fatal condition, but complications may arise and the cat is deprived of essential nutrients for as long as the worms lodge in his intestine. Heartworms can be fatal.

Worms in Cat's Vomit

The presence of worms in the cat's vomit is a clear sign that the animal has intestinal parasites. On rare occasions, the worms may also come from the lungs or the heart. The worms are highly contagious and can be caught from:

  • Other felines that carry eggs or larvae
  • Infested feces and bodily secretions
  • Mosquitoes (can spread heartworms)
  • If the cat ingests a flea that carries tapeworm eggs or larvae

The most common parasites causing worms in the cat's vomit are roundworms. The roundworms are light in color can grow 5 to 8 cm in length and have the appearance of spaghetti. The cat will vomit a segment of the worm. The cat may also vomit smaller worms that are moving, and these can be hookworms, lungworms or heartworms. These are also white.

Detect Worms

If you notice worms in the cat's vomit, you may also observe a few other signs such as:

  • Worms in the stool and diarrhea
  • Anemia
  • Lack of appetite and weight loss
  • Coughing
  • Swollen stomach
  • Dry skin and dull coat
  • General state of weakness

The vet can establish the type of worms affecting the cat by performing a feces analysis and a few blood tests. The culprit parasites may be hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, lungworms, heartworms or whipworms.

Complications with Worms

Intestinal worms are not dangerous for the cat's health, but they will deprive the cat from various nutrients and if the cat is frail, this can be dangerous. Intestinal worms can also cause dehydration due to chronic vomiting and diarrhea. Lungworms and heartworms can be deadly, as they affect the cat's system and are difficult to eliminate.

Treatment of Feline Worms

Feline worms can be treated if they lodge in the cat's intestine. There are dewormers that are specially created to eliminate each type of worms that affect the cat's intestines. The treatment may consist of a single dewormer pill or several doses, depending on the stages of development of the worms.

Lungworms and heartworms are more difficult to eliminate and if these are detected when they already affect a large percentage of the lungs or heart, may be deadly. The vet will perform a few tests to see how advanced the condition is and decide on a suitable course of treatment.

All types of internal worms may be prevented through the administration of periodic pills against parasites. Vets also recommend frequent routine feces analysis and blood tests to detect any possible parasites in time.

