4 Easy BARF Diet Recipes for Dogs

The barf diet stands for biological appropriate raw food and it is recommended by some veterinarians. According to certain theories the raw food is beneficial for the digestive system and is closer to the ingredients canines used to eat. Many commercial foods may contain numerous additives, which may not be healthy. The raw foods are 100% natural and meet the nutritional requirements of your pet. There are a few BARF recipes that the dog can be fed.

1. Meat and Bones

The BARF diet is also known as the bones and raw food and the easiest recipe may contain meat and bones.

The meat may be beef, pork, chicken, lamb or turkey and you should alternate various meats, so as to provide the dog with a number of protein sources. The meat will be consumed raw, but you have to make sure that the meat is clean and doesn’t contain bacteria, which can cause health issues.

The bones you give your dog should be safe and you should make sure there are no splinters, which could cause organ puncture. To be safe, you can replace the bones with bone dust, which is an essential source of calcium.

To make the digestion easier, you should add some grated or juiced veggies on top of the meat.

The amounts of meat and vegetables should be established according to the weight and the age of the dog.

2. Eggs and Vegetables

If you prefer a vegetarian diet, the dog may also get eggs and vegetables.

The eggs can be hard boiled and you can add some garlic powder, carrots, peas, cabbage or broccoli. You can also opt for some fruits such as apples or peaches.

However, many BARF diet adepts will not recommend this type of meal for more than twice per week, as the dog should get some meat as well.

3. Seeds and Vegetables

You can also opt for a seeds and vegetables once or twice per week.

Choose sunflower seeds, which are rich in proteins. Soy beans are also a rich source of proteins. However, other seeds can be used also. The BARF diet should be as varied as possible, as this will provide the body with the nutrients needed for daily activities.

The vegetables may be a mixture of:

  • Spinach or cauliflower, raw
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Turnip
  • Celery
  • Kale

Add some honey for flavor.

Alternatively, fish oil can be used. This is an essential source of omega 3 fatty acids.

4. Supplements

If you opt for a BARF diet, you will have to supplement the vitamin B complex in the dog’s diet. Zinc and vitamin E can also be beneficial supplements. You can get a multivitamin, which should be approved by your vet first.

Probiotics and digestive enzymes should be used during the transition period, while your dog gets used to the new diet.

