6 Tips for Caring for Cats

Caring for cats may be a challenge, especially if you are a first time pet owner. However, you can learn to provide your cat with all he needs and prevent health issues by grooming him and administering vaccines and a suitable diet.

1. Vaccination for Kittens

Kittens need vaccinations, which can be administered starting from the age of 6 weeks. However, if your cat is older and hasn't been vaccinated, he can still receive the vaccines. However, make sure to test him first, to make sure he is not infected with any diseases and won't have a negative reaction to the vaccines. The vaccines that are compulsory include the rabies vaccine, the viral rhinotracheitis vaccine, the calicivirus and panleukopenia. Booster shots should be administered yearly.

2. Parasite Removal

Parasites can be internal or external. Dewormers can eliminate the internal parasites. Get rid of the external parasites with powders and sprays and make sure to clean the cat's environment as well. Preventative dewormers may also be recommended, especially for heartworms, which can be deadly.

3. Diet Recommendations

Kittens typically need wet food, but when the cat grows up, he can have several diet options. Dry food, wet food, raw food or homemade food can be all good for your cat's health, as long as you give your cat all the nutrients he needs to develop and perform his daily routine. Make sure you notice any abnormalities after changing your pet's diet; food allergies can be common.

4. Neutering the Cat

Many vets will recommend neutering as part of caring for cats. The neutering will not only help reduce the number of homeless kittens, but will also improve your pet's behavior, making him calmer and more loving. The neutering can be performed at any point after the age of 6 weeks.

5. Grooming the Cat

The cat needs regular grooming (at least once per week or more often if he has longer fur). The grooming should include:

  • Hair brushing to remove debris and disentangle the hair
  • Clipping the nails
  • Cleaning the ears and the eyes
  • Brushing of teeth (which should be done at least once every two days to prevent tartar deposits)
  • Massaging the cat's skin

6. Visiting the Vet

A regular visit to the vet will be recommended as an important method of caring for cats. When the pet is younger, the vet should be visited every 2 to 3 months. After the cat becomes an adult, you can visit the vet only once every 6 to 12 months. An older cat will require routine checkups more often, because he may be prone to various old age diseases and may also have a weaker immune system.

However, you should also pay attention to certain symptoms that can indicate a medical issue and visit the vet. Cats are most commonly affected by internal and external parasites and respiratory infections. Pay attention to your cat's symptoms and notice if he displays chronic vomiting and diarrhea, coughing or sneezing.

