The Advantages of Laser Declawing a Cat over a Standard Declaw

Declawing a cat requires a surgical procedure. With three different methods, interest in laser declawing is growing. Learn the advantages of laser declawing over Resco clipper and disarticulation declawing methods.

Each cat declawing procedure has advantages, but you'll find laser surgery is growing in popularity for good reason. If you're not familiar with cat declawing methods, you shouldn't rush into a decision before learning the pros and cons.

Resco Clipper Cat Declawing Explained

The Resco clipper method for declawing a cat is used by many veterinarians because it is fast. Using a special set of clippers the end digit of the cat's toe is amputated. The device quickly cuts off everything in one shot and then the skin is sutured or glued shut. The cat's paws will be wrapped in bandages to keep the wound sterile as it heals.

With the Resco clipper method, the cat needs to avoid clay or sand cat litters to keep the litter from getting into the wound. This prevents infection.

The biggest downfall to the Resco clipper method for declawing a cat is that if the entire bone is not removed, the claw will regrow and a second surgery will be required.

The Disarticulation Method for Declawing a Cat

With the disarticulation method, the veterinarian uses a scalpel to remove the ligaments and tendons holding the bone section in place. The bone is then cut away and the incision is sewn or glued shut. Bandages are wrapped around the paw for at least a day to aid with healing and keep germs away.

There is no chance of the claw growing back. Clay and sand cat litters have to be avoided to prevent infection.

Because the ligaments are cut, the cat will lose some control over the foot. It's barely noticeable, but it can affect the way a cat walks or stands.

The Benefits of Laser Declawing Procedures

Laser declawing is growing in popularity. It's important to know that the laser equipment is pricey. Most vets have to pay upwards of $40,000 for the laser machine, so the cost of the cat declawing is going to be higher. The surgery is safer however, so the added cost is often worthwhile.

During a laser surgery, a laser is used to sever the tendons and ligaments before removing the entire bone. There is no risk of the nail regrowing in the future.

Benefits to laser surgery for declawing a cat are numerous. First, the laser cauterizes the incision during each “cut” so there is no bleeding and no need for bandages after the surgery is complete. Swelling is minimal with a laser surgery.

Because the wound is cauterized, you don't need to force your cat to acclimate to a different kitty litter during recovery. You won't have to worry about finding puddles of cat urine on your floors.

Studies find that cats that have been declawed using lasers recover more quickly and seem to experience less pain. This is because the laser also seals the nerve endings during the procedure.

With Resco clipper and disarticulation methods, cats often require a week to heal and get back to their normal routines. Cats that have been declawed using a laser are usually up and about the very next day.

