Basic Kitten Litter Training

Litter training your kitten doesn't have to be difficult. Most kittens are easy to train and may have already learned by watching their mothers. Here are some steps you can follow to make litter training your kitten as painless as possible.

Step One: Use Kitten-Safe Litter

Clumping litters made with sodium bentonite clay can be dangerous to kittens. Young kittens may succumb to curiosity and taste cat litter. Clumping clay litter can form gastrointestinal blockages if ingested, and a kitten doesn't need to eat much litter before this becomes a real danger.

Keep your kitten safe by choosing an alternative litter. Many natural cat litters are made with biodegradable substances such as wood, paper, corn and wheat. These litters are clay and chemical free and totally safe for cats of all ages.

Step Two: Show Your Kitten Where To Go

Once you've set up a litter pan with kitten safe litter, show your kitten where it is. Place him in the pan and allow him to examine it as he will.

You can continue this step of the litter training process by returning your kitten to the pan regularly, especially after he's eaten or just woken up. This helps him remember where it is, and also helps him learn what it's for.

Remember that many cats like privacy when doing their business, so put the litter box in a quiet corner where your kitten won't be disturbed.

Step Three: Keep the Pan Clean

Keep your kitten's litter pan as clean as possible. Most cats prefer to use a clean litter pan. Avoid harsh chemicals when cleaning the pan; no matter how well you rinse, enough of the smell might remain to deter your kitten and prolong the litter training process.

Use hot water and soap to clean your kitten's litter pan. Litter liners can keep clumps from sticking to the bottom of the pan, and reduce the amount of scrubbing you'll have to do.

Don't punish your kitten if he has an accident outside the box during litter training. Don't rub his nose in it or otherwise punish him as you would a puppy. If you catch your kitten in the act, simply say, "No!" in a firm voice, then pick him up and put him in the litter box. Soon enough, he will realize you'd like him to do his business in the tray.

