Side Effects of Canine Urinary Tract Infection Antibiotics

Canine urinary tract infection typically involves a bladder infection and if not treated in a timely manner can travel the urinary tract and involve the kidneys as well. Treatment typically involves one of several types of antibiotic, depending on the bacteria identified. While antibiotics are an effective treatment, they can have some minor side effects for your dog.

Potential Antibiotic Side Effects

  • Lethargy is common as your dog just doesn't feel well as the antibiotic begins working.
  • Vomiting or stomach upset is also common because the antibiotic kills off both good and bad bacteria in the stomach, causing nausea and an imbalance in the digestive tract.
  • Loose stools or diarrhea are caused by the imbalance of the bacteria and flora found in the digestive tract.
  • Allergic reactions are also a possibility, particularly with the penicillin group of antibiotics.
  • Secondary infections frequently follow an antibiotic treatment as all bacteria are typically killed off by a round of antibiotics.
  • Antibiotic resistance is something that can occur in dogs who are subjected to frequent or multiple antibiotic treatments. Your dog can build up immunity to antibiotics, essentially rendering them ineffective.
  • Antibiotics are an effective weapon in the battle against infection. Used judiciously, they help your dog's body return to a healthy state. If overused, they can put your dog at risk for other, more serious infections and make them resistant to the positive results of antibiotic treatment.
