Cat Accident Prevention

Unfortunately, a high number of cats get killed or badly injured in traffic accidents or other accidents in and around the house. As a pet owner, you should be aware of some cat accident prevention tips and make your home safe for pets. If you have children and your home is already child-proof, that's good for cats too, as most of the prevention measures apply to both.

Keep Your Cat Indoors

This would be the easiest way to prevent a cat from getting into traffic accidents and cat fights. Indoor cats have a longer life expectancy, and this is also due to the fact that they are not exposed to accidents. Traffic accidents are the most frequent types of accidents cats suffer from.

No Sharp Objects

To be safe for cats, your home shouldn’t have sharp objects or furniture with sharp edges. Cats can easily hurt themselves while playing. Keep the knives and other sharp tools in a locked place.

No Small Objects

Keep any small objects away from the cat, as these may be ingested and create digestive problems, get stuck in the airway or even puncture an internal organ. If these small objects are sharp, they can hurt the cat’s paws. Some dangerous small objects include:

  • Paper clips
  • Staples
  • Needles, pins and sewing equipment
  • Rubber bands
  • Hair pins
  • Beads
  • Small toys
  • Game pieces
  • Earrings or other small pieces of jewelry

If you know that your cat has ingested an object, you should try removing it using tweezers or go to the vet. The cat may sneeze, cough and even bleed after having ingested a small object.

Cover Wires and Cables

Electric cables and wires can electrocute your cat. Use some cat repellent such as pepper, bitter apple vinegar or other commercial cat repellents to keep your cat away. Alternatively, hide the wires using metallic or plastic covers.

Plastic Bags

Cats like to play with plastic bags, but these can be dangerous for them, as the cats may get strangled or suffocated.

Stoves and Toilets

If your stove works on gas, get a cat-proof stove that cannot be turned on by pets.

Keep the toilet seat cover down, as the toilet bowl can be dangerous for kittens.

Beware of Toxic Foods, Plants and Materials

There are several foods that are toxic for cats including alcohol, chocolate, xylitol, cocoa, raisins and grapes. Don’t leave these out for your cat to find and make sure the cat doesn’t have access to the garbage.

Household chemicals can be toxic for cats. Keep these away from your cat and after using them, make sure your cat is not allowed in the cleaned area for 2 hours.

Drugs for humans or cats may be dangerous if ingested in high dosages. Tylenol is toxic for cats.

Keep safe plants in your home. Always ask your florist if a plant is safe for cats before buying it.

Lead is a highly poisonous substance for cats, so make sure you don’t keep paints, plumbing and roofing supplies or other objects that may contain lead in the cat’s environment.

