Cat Conjunctivitis Treatment with Boric Acid

Red eyes, or cat conjunctivitis, is the most common eye condition in felines and involves an inflammation of the eyelid tissues. Conjunctivitis can be caused by different environmental factors, such as smoke, chemicals, viruses or bacteria, and can be treated with antibiotics or eye drops. Boric acid can be used when the conjunctivitis is mild. The cat can have an infection affecting one or both eyes.

Diagnose Cat Conjunctivitis

The eyes of a cat with conjunctivitis will be red and swollen. The conjunctiva is affected in all cases of red eyes and sometimes even the cornea is inflamed.

There will be a discharge coming from the eyes. The discharge may be of 2 types, depending on the underlying cause of the irritation:

  • Allergies cause a watery, transparent discharge
  • Infections will result in a yellow or green discharge

The color of the discharge will be a great indicator and will help detecting the cause of the red eyes.

The condition causes irritation, so the cat will be rubbing his face against different objects. This can lead to complications. In some cases, the cat’s eyes will be shut and there may be pus coming out of them.

Conjunctivitis is a painful condition, so the cat will display behavioral changes, will be easily irritable or turn aggressive.

Boric Acid Treatment

Irritated eyes can be treated with a diluted solution of boric acid. Prepare a solution using boric acid powder and water.

  • Boil 200 ml of water and add 1 tbsp of boric acid powder.
  • Mix the solution and make sure the powder is diluted.
  • Cool the solution until it is lukewarm and apply 2 drops in each eye, using a syringe or an eye dropper.

Apply the boric acid solution treatment two times per day. You can also dip a cotton ball or a sponge in the solution and rub it on the eyelids and the eye area. The irritation should be diminished after 1 or 2 days of treatment. If you don’t see any improvement in 48 hours, you should try a different treatment.

Meanwhile, keep your cat away from strong light sources.

The eyes will be itchy, so you might need a lamp shade collar for your cat to prevent him from scratching.

In case the cat’s eyes are completely shut, you won’t be able to apply the solution, so you need to get some medication first.

Other Treatment Options

If the inflammation of the eyes is severe and the cornea is affected, the treatment with diluted boric acid may not be sufficient.

The vet will determine the exact cause of the conjunctivitis by analyzing a sample of the eye discharge, or by scraping a bit of the conjunctiva tissue and analyzing it.

If the infection is viral or bacterial, the vet will prescribe oral antibiotics, along with ointments and eye drops. The eye drops may be cortisone or antibiotic solutions. If the conjunctivitis is caused by allergens, the vet will recommend anti-inflammatory medication or antihistamines.

Depending on the underlying cause, conjunctivitis can take up to 2 weeks to heal. If the condition is recurrent, talk to your vet; your cat may have feline AIDS, peritonitis or the leukemia virus.

