Cat Neutering Recovery Care Tips

Cat neutering has a number of benefits. By neutering you will prevent unwanted kittens that could end up in shelters, while the behavior of the cat will change, eliminating spraying and aggressive behavior. However, after surgery, you should take good care of your pet. Knowing what to expect after surgery and how to care for the recovering cat can help both you and your pet.

On the Day of Surgery

The surgery typically takes less than half an hour and your cat will be able to go home the same day. The surgery may be a stress factor for your cat. You should arrange to get the cat home immediately and make sure that the ride home is as rapid as possible, as the travel may stress your cat. Stress can slow down the healing process.

After surgery, the cat needs to rest, so provide a suitable atmosphere, ideally in an isolated room.

Your cat may become aggressive towards you or other pets, due to the pain. The vet will prescribe some pain killers.

The first 24 hours after the surgery, your cat may display an unusual behavior due to the effect of the anesthesia. The cat will lack balance and coordination and you may have to help him find the litter box. Excessive urination is common post surgery, as the vet may inject a lot of fluids during the procedure. If the cat is sleepy, he may urinate in his bed, but this is not a cause for worry. Change the bedding, so that your cat is comfortable.

Post Surgery Diet

On the day of the surgery, your cat should get less food than usual. You may opt for a wet diet on the day of the surgery, as this is easier to digest.

Your cat may be nauseous due to the anesthetic, so he won’t feel the need to eat. The cat may even vomit while the anesthetic is still effective. Make sure there is fresh water available for your cat, because the anesthesia may make him thirsty.

Caring for the Surgery Wound

The surgery wound will be swollen for up to 48 hours after surgery. If the wound is still swollen after 48 hours, contact the vet. The wound may look red for 2 to 3 days after the surgery and there may be minor discharges from the wound.

Your vet may give you some ointments, which you should use regularly to speed up the recovery. Never apply pressure on the wound. Your cat should avoid performing physical activities such as jumping or running, as the stitches can be torn and the recovery may be delayed.

The stitches will be removed 10 to 14 days after the surgery. After this, the cat can get back to his normal lifestyle.

Keep Your Cat Indoors

Your cat shouldn’t be exposed to the outdoors for 10 to 14 days after the surgery, as the wound can get easily infected.

Monitor Your Cat

Keep an eye on your pet after the surgery, as the wound may get infected. If your cat licks the surgery area, the saliva can carry bacteria that may infect the incision wound. You should stop your cat from licking the wound.

Check any symptoms of infections such as fever, lethargy, discharges from the wound, foul odor, redness and swelling.

