Cat Sneezing Diagnosis

Cat sneezing may point to allergies or a respiratory infection. Typically, sneezing is not a serious condition and may be treated with proper medication or go away on its own. Monitor any additional symptoms, so as to be able to tell your vet.

Repeated Sneezing

A cat may sneeze rarely or continuously. As in humans, a sneeze once in a while in cats is normal, and it is not a cause for concern.

If you notice repeated sneezing, this may be an alarming sign. Repeated cat sneezing may be caused by infections or if the cat's airways are obstructed by foreign objects or even a tumor.

Respiratory Infections

Cat sneezing may be caused by infections of the upper respiratory tract. The infections may be caused by viruses or fungi.

The most common viruses that cause sneezing are the Parainfluenza and the Adenovirus. These viruses may be easily transmitted through air from an infected pet. Other symptoms of a viral infection include:

  • Swollen eyes
  • Swollen glands
  • Coughing
  • Excess mucus production
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Tiredness

The bacterial infections that may cause sneezing include the Bortadella or the Adeno-2. These are highly contagious infections and may be transmitted to humans as well. These bacteria may also cause swelling of the eyes and coughing.


If your cat has allergies, he may sneeze. Inhalant allergies cause frequent sneezing. The inhalant allergies may also cause symptoms such as:

  • Swollen eyes
  • Runny eyes and nose
  • Itchy skin
  • Dermatitis or red skin
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Lethargy

Cats may be allergic to smoke, dust, mold, pollens, cat litter, perfumes or other household chemicals. Allergies may be diagnosed by skin testing or blood testing.

It is important to identify the source of allergens, so that you can reduce the cat's exposure to these and give proper treatment. Allergy shots are efficient in controlling cat allergies.

Dental Problems

Dental problems may cause sneezing. If the sneezing is recurrent, you may check for a tooth abscess. Infections of teeth may cause repeated sessions of sneezing.

You will also notice other symptoms such as foul odor in your cat's mouth, swollen gums or even pockets filled with puss.

Prevent these problems by brushing your cat's teeth daily.

Blood when Sneezing

If your pet is sneezing blood, this is an alarming sign and may point to nasal cancer or a tumor that needs to be inspected. The cat needs an x-ray for the sinuses.

Sneezing is treatable in most cases. Cats with flat noses are more exposed to sneezing due to irritants or infections, as they have tight nose passages.

The treatment of sneezing depends on what causes it.

If there are foreign object stuck in your cat's air waves, the cat might need surgery.

The vet may recommend a sinus flush, especially if the cat is sneezing blood.

The vet will prescribe some antibiotics to treat the viruses and the bacteria.

