Why Does Your Cat Sneeze So Much?

The cat sneeze is an involuntary reaction to allergens or may also indicate a respiratory infection or dental problems. If your cat sneezes excessively, you should see what other symptoms he displays to determine if the sneezing indicates a severe medical condition. If your cat sneezes blood, this is a cause for concern.

Allergic Reactions 

Different allergens can irritate the cat’s nasal passages and cause uncontrollable bouts of sneezing. If the sneezing is mostly present during pollen season, your cat must be allergic to these pollens.

If the sneezing is present all through the year, the cat may be allergic to smoke, dust mites or other chemicals including perfumes or household cleaners.

In addition to sneezing, your cat may have a runny nose and even eye discharges. These reactions are caused by a production of histamines by the immune system. Administering antihistamines will reduce your cat’s irritation and relieve the sneezing.

Respiratory Infections

Cats may be affected by respiratory infections caused by viruses and bacteria. Calicivirus and the herpes virus are the most common viruses that cause colds in felines.

Sneezing is one of the primary symptoms of a respiratory infection. The cat may also cough and have fever as well as nasal and ocular discharges. The symptoms of respiratory infections are similar to the symptoms of allergies; however, respiratory infections last for up to 3 weeks, while allergies have a more permanent character.

Ingestion of Foreign Objects

If your cat starts sneezing after having swallowed a foreign object or larger chunks of food, this may indicate that the object or food has blocked the cat’s passages. The food or object has to be removed to prevent chocking.

Identify the object and if possible, try to extract it with a pair of tweezers. If this is too complicated and you fear you might hurt your pet, you should get help from the vet.

If the object has caused an injury of the nasal passages, the cat will sneeze blood.

Dental Issues

Cats may experience a lot of dental issues due to a poor dental hygiene. Dental abscesses and gum disease are common in cats over the age of 3 and these may cause frequent sneezing.

You may detect dental issues by looking in your pet’s mouth; look for symptoms such as red and swollen gums, foul odor and possibly pouches of pus.

Ruptured Nasal Tumors

Tumors may be of different types and may be located in different areas of the body, including the respiratory tract.

Frequent sneezing may indicate the presence of such a tumor that irritates the nasal passages. If the tumor ruptures, this may cause bleeding.

Tumors may be identified by palpating the cat’s nose area; you will feel lumps or swellings, however, a vet needs to establish if the tumor is benign or malignant.

Flat faced cats sneeze more often and this is not a cause for worry. Chronic sneezing and bleeding may indicate a more serious problem. Consult the vet to get a proper diagnosis and decide what treatment to administer.

