Cat Tick Control and Prevention at Home

Cat tick control is necessary to maintain the pet's overall health. Pet owners should regularly check cats for tick or flea infections as part of the grooming process. The easiest method of determining tick or flea infection in pets is to use a flea comb. Flea combs extract flea excreta, commonly known as flea dirt.

Although there are many methods of tick removal, it's important to adopt a long term multi-pronged approach. Visible ticks that are stuck to the pet's body should be removed with care. Tweezers are ideal for tick removal. The tweezers should be used to pick out the tick with gentle and steady pressure. Sometimes, the head of the tick remains attached to the pet's skin. This isn't a dangerous situation and the head will get dislodged in time.

Prevent and Control Cat Ticks

  • Wash cat bedding and thoroughly disinfect surrounding areas.
  • After vacuuming the household, follow with steam cleaning of carpets, as this will kill any tick or flea eggs that may be present.
  • Outdoor areas should be sprayed with pet friendly, non-toxic pesticides.
  • Strong sunrays are best to kill germ-causing bacteria in the house.
  • Prevent your pet from roaming outdoors or coming in contact with plants.
  • Cat feces should be appropriately disposed of.
  • Cat litter should be changed routinely to prevent infection in pets.
  • Regular grooming procedures such as cat bathing, along with nail trimming and brushing of the coat using a flea comb, is necessary.
  • Pets infected with fleas or ticks should be kept away from healthy pets.

Along with prevention of cat ticks, there are several medications that may be used to kill ticks in all stages.

Tick Medications

  • Bio Spot Pyrethrin Dip
  • Bio Spot for cats
  • Bio Spot flea and tick collar for cats and kittens
  • Frontline Plus
  • Bio Spot Flea and Tick Spray

Information about Medications and Products

Before starting any tick medication, it's necessary to conduct a vet check to obtain a tick treatment best suited to your cat. Read and follow package instructions before using any product or tick collar. Some medicines have certain side effects that are generally temporary. However, unusual pet behavior or prolonged symptoms require prompt medical attention. It's also important to remember that medication shouldn't be administered to pets that have known allergic reactions to the drug.

Tick dips should be used carefully and the medicine shouldn't enter the pet's eyes in particular. A monthly topical treatment such as Frontline plus is effective against all stages of the American dog tick, the lone star tick and the deer tick.

Several medicines are not for use on kittens less than 8 weeks of age. Instead, kittens should be bathed regularly with baby shampoo and brushed with a flea comb to control tick infections. Flea collars provide an 8 month protection against ticks and fleas. However, the active ingredient, propoxur, creates health risks for pet owners and young children.

Since tick medications contain several chemicals or substances that may not be agreeable to all families, it's best to follow strict preventive measures along with routine pet grooming to keep ticks under control.

