Five Common Male Cat Problems

The male cat has 5 common problems not found in a female feline. These range from behavioral to physical problems unique to the male cat because of physical and hormonal differences from his female counterpart. Understanding these problems can help you as his owner keep his health and behavior at its best.


Some male cats will spray a foul smelling liquid substance for a variety of reasons. The spray does not smell like urine and is usually a cloudy white or clear liquid. Some male cats begin spraying after neutering even if they did not spray before. If you neuter your kitten before they learn to spray, they may be less likely to spray. Some cats will spray to establish territory while others will spray if they are angry or anxious. There are behavioral and medicinal ways to address the issue of spraying.

Feline Tail Gland Hyperplasia

Also known as stud tail, feline tail gland hyperplasia occurs mostly in intact male cats although it can be found in female cats and neutered males. Stub tail causes physical and behavioral problems and is caused when the glands in the organ at the base of the tail secrete more than the normal amount of oils. These oils are necessary to lubricate the skin but in excessive amounts can cause problems in the cat's skin and hair. The hair at the base of the tail becomes matted and greasy or may get thin or fall out. The hair may also emit a foul odor and the cat may develop blackheads or infections around the area. To diagnose stud tail, a vet needs to do a physical examination. A variety of home treatments and antibiotics can help with problems associated with the disorder, and neutering the cat may help alleviate the situation altogether.


Male cats can engage in compulsive sexual behaviors if not able to reproduce as they would in the wild. A male cat may knead excessively and then lick his genital area or rub it against a human limb or piece of furniture. You might also just notice strange behavior involving the back legs and then some sort of irritation or even scabbing around the area of the penis. It's important to take your cat to the vet to make sure that he isn't suffering from any urinary tract or other medical issues. Once those have been ruled out, it becomes a behavioral issue to be dealt with through behavior management techniques.


This is a condition that some male cats are born with in which one or both of the testicles fail to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum. If the testicle has not descended by the time the kitten is 2 months of age, surgery will most likely be necessary. If not removed, the testicle can cause cancer and other problems later in life. A vet can determine if your cat has this problem by palpating the scrotum and finding that one or both testicles are missing. Approximately 3% of male cats will suffer from cryptorchidism.

Urethral Obstruction

Male cats can be prone to blockages in the urethra which is an emergency for the cat. Crystals form due to imbalances in the diet and particularly due to an insufficient amount of moisture in the food. The urine becomes thick and minerals form blockages that are very painful for the cat. If your cat is yowling and hiding under furniture and straining to urinate, seek veterinary assistance immediately.

