Controlling Excessive Cat Meowing

Learn frequent causes of excessive cat meowing and tips for overcoming this annoying habit. Every cat meows for a reason. Discover why cats meow and how to understand what he is saying.

Key Reasons for Excessive Cat Meowing

Hypervocalizing occurs for many reasons. Some of the more common causes include:

  • Aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Compulsive behavior
  • Hunger
  • Seeking attention

Watch your cat's activities during periods of excessive meowing. If the cat is glued to a window or patio door, it's quite likely the cat sees another animal, such as a bird or cat, outside and is simply protecting his turf.

If the cat is meowing near his food or water dish, check the levels because hunger is a likely cause. Change his water and top up the food dish if necessary. Adding a few treats to the bowl might help appease the cat's demands.

If the cat rubs against your ankles while meowing, he probably just wants attention. Sit down, place him in your lap and spend some quality time.

Some cats meow excessively when they are nervous. If you've been gone for a while and have just returned, the cat may simply be complaining that you left him alone. As you settle into your routine and give the cat attention, the meowing will stop.

An outdoor cat will vocalize to be let outside. If this becomes problematic, especially when you are sleeping, canned air or a squirt bottle makes a great deterrent.

Cat Vocalization in Unspayed Females

One of the simplest reasons a cat meows excessively is because she is in heat. Excessive cat meowing is common in female cats once they are in heat. Effectively end this type of cat vocalization by having her spayed.

Spaying your female cat offers numerous benefits including:

  • A lower risk of uterine cancer
  • An end to marking of territory
  • No more yowling

Some Cat Breeds Vocalize more than Others

Oriental cat breeds, Balinese, Javanese, Siamese and Tonkinese, are simply very vocal cats. They enjoy talking to their owners. Their meows are usually very deep and distinctive. They meow for attention, hunger and even when they want their litter changed.

If you dislike an extremely talkative cat, avoid these breeds.

Health Issues that Cause Excessive Cat Meowing
Some health conditions cause a cat to meow more than normal. Hyperesthesia Syndrome is a condition where a cat goes from being passive to manic in little time. Veterinarians believe Hyperesthesia Syndrome is a feline version of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Symptoms include:

  • Constant tail swishing and tail chasing
  • Enlarged pupils
  • Excessive, very loud cat meowing
  • Frantic grooming, especially of the tail
  • Hallucinations
  • Hyperactivity
  • Mood swings
  • Rippling skin
  • Seizures
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Unexplained aggression

Feline Hyperesthesia occurs most in elderly cats. Because seizures frequently occur after other symptoms appear, it is important to have your cat seen by a veterinarian. Anticonvulsant medications may be necessary.

If a cat is in pain, excessive cat meowing is likely. If you are unsure why your cat is so talkative, quickly check him for wounds or sensitive areas. Most cats will seek a quiet spot when ill or become more vocal than normal, so if your cat is hiding from you or meowing more than normal, a trip to the vet is worthwhile.

