Excessive Meowing and Attention Seeking Cat Behavior

Unusual vocalizations are only one of many examples of attention seeking cat behavior. A large number of cats do abnormal things to gain the attention of their owners at one point or another. While these behaviors may seem annoying or unusual, they are not necessarily a problem. Each cat has a unique personality and a different set of common behaviors. Still, changes in your pet's behavior may point to signs of emotional or physical stress.

Excessive Meowing

One of the most common behaviors that cats display in order to receive attention is excessive meowing. Some breeds, like Siamese, tend to be exceedingly vocal anyway, and may even enjoy a back-and-forth conversation of meows with human owners. In other cases, your cat may whine or howl in the middle of the night. This could be a sign of loneliness, discomfort at being in a confined space or being left alone or a sign of feline hyperesthesia, a disease characterized by unusual howling followed by periods of running around the home and twitching or rippling skin.

If your cat meows excessively, analyze the potential causes for this behavior. Take note of when and where he meows, and make any necessary adjustments to his lifestyle or environment to address the situation. Persistent Rubbing and Pawing

Many cats appreciate a human touch and will jump into their owner's lap for pets. Occasionally, however, this behavior can become excessive. Your cat may seem adamant about getting your attention by continuously walking in circles around your legs or by pawing at you as you are seated. This may be an indication that your pet suffers from an addiction of some kind. One of the most common causes for excessive human contact is desire for food and treats. If you feed your pet non-meal treats, he may come to expect them, regardless of whether he is actually hungry. His pawing and rubbing on you can be a sign that he desires more treats to eat.

Modifying this behavior can be difficult, but the first step is to ensure that you control the number of treats that you feed your pet. In addition to being dangerous for his weight and stability, excessive treats can lead your cat to an unhealthy dependence or reliance upon you for non-meal food.

Chewing and Eating Non-Food Items

Cats like to play with toys and may frequently mimic a hunt scenario in their play. A cat chasing after a toy string or feather may pounce on the object and begin to chew or eat it, as if it were a small animal in the wild. While this behavior is normal, some cats spend an excessive amount of time chewing on or even fully eating non-food items around the house. This poses a potential threat to your pet's health, as he may choke or end up eating something that is toxic.

Unusual chewing and eating is oftentimes caused by stress. Changes to the home or environment, as well as physical stress like injuries and disease may prompt your cat to begin to chew on unusual items.

If your cat displays any of the behaviors listed above, consider the possible emotional and physical causes for these actions. In some cases, environmental changes may be sufficient to address the problem behavior. In others, however, you may need to take your pet to the veterinarian for additional treatment.

