Diagnosing Dog Skin Problems

Dog skin problems are among the most common of all health issues facing pets at this point in time. These problems can range from the benign and easily resolved to the very complicated and seriously life altering. Skin problems themselves are most often, when serious, a symptom of some other type of condition, rather than the major symptom of the condition itself. This means that you should watch out for the quality of your pet's skin and any problems that develop as a major sign of other problems that may be underlying.

Overview of Dog Skin Problems

The range of different issues that can lead to dog skin problems is so vast that it is difficult to pinpoint specific causes within this single article. However, we can generally split up dog skin problems into those that develop as a result of the following issues:

Diet Related Problems

Dog skin problems related to your pet's diet are often difficult to diagnose properly. When your dog doesn't receive all of the proper nutrients that he needs, or when his body is for some reason not able to adequately process nutrients when he does receive them, the result is that a number of minor physical changes occur. One of the more common of these changes is that your pet may experience some minor changes to his coat and skin. This includes a loss of lustre and sheen to the coat, flakiness and dryness in the skin, and many more other possibilities.

The best way to deal with issues of diet is to speak with your vet. Examine why your pet may not be getting all of the resources that he requires, and determine how to supplement or change his existing diet so that he will gain all of those nutrients.

Parasite Related Problems

Other skin problems are due to microscopic animals that live on your pet's skin. These parasites, like fleas, ticks and other animals, survive and thrive by feeding either off of dead skin cells on the surface of your pet or on blood that they suck and bite from your dog's skin. Parasites can lead to itchy, flaky, red and sore skin, among many other issues. If you have a case of a dog infested with parasites, work carefully to eliminate them over time with a specially formulated shampoo or other medicine.

Chronic and Other Conditions

A number of other underlying conditions can result in skin problems for your dog. These problems can include open sores, itchiness, flakiness and more. The key to diagnosing these problems accurately is being aware of any and all other symptoms that appear along with the skin problems that your dog displays. Take the full list of symptoms to your vet for further analysis and to diagnose your pet.

