Dietary Dog Constipation Treatment

Dog constipation often results from dietary causes, such as consuming inappropriate objects. When this happens, there are several diet changes that can be made to help your dog return to normal.

Recognizing Dog Constipation

If your dog has a dog door, it may be difficult to recognize constipation in him. It's important to observe your dog's bowel movements every couple of days to ensure there are no problems. Regular walks can also help this.

If your dog hasn't relieved himself in a day or two, he is probably suffering from constipation. If he strains excessively or goes through the motions with no result, he is probably constipated. Since this can be very uncomfortable, it's important to add fiber to your dog's diet to improve the situation.

Dietary Additions

If your dog is on a raw food diet, he will rarely suffer from constipation, because raw meat serves as a natural laxative. If your dog is on a commercial diet, consider switching to a raw diet for a few days to get him back on track.

Bran is an excellent addition of fiber in the diet. Add a teaspoon or tablespoon of bran, depending on his weight, to his dinner or add a spoonful of cooked oatmeal for a few days. Oat bran is an excellent bran source for your dog.

Flaxseed oil is another additive that can increase the fiber in your dog's diet. A little olive oil or mineral oil will also help, but just a little will do. Too much will often cause diarrhea.

Fresh vegetables will increase the fiber in your dog's body. Green beans, broccoli and squash are all healthy additions to your dog's diet, but be sure to grind them, since dogs don't chew their food thoroughly and can't digest the nutrients from whole vegetables. A spoonful of canned pumpkin is also an excellent fiber additive.

Ginger is commonly used for many digestive upsets in dogs, such as motion sickness and general nausea. It can also reduce constipation, because it reduces stomach inflammation and contractions, which often contribute to the problem.

Additional Home Remedies

In addition to dietary additions, there are some other things you can do to help your dog relieve constipation, primarily exercise. Constipation is often caused by a tightening of muscles, which can be relaxed and loosened with a simple leash walk around the neighborhood.

The problem also may have started because he didn't have regular access to the outdoors and has spent too long holding his bowels. Make sure your dog has ample opportunity to relieve himself throughout the day. If you work long hours, ask a friend or dog walker to stop by your house and let him out.

Many veterinarians will recommend Metamucil to reduce constipation. However, before going this route, consult your vet for dosage advice.

Provide your dog with plenty of water, because constipation can be caused by dehydration. If your dog seems uninterested, add a little juice or broth to the water for enticement. Add wet food to your dog's diet, since it contains more than 70 percent water.

Constipation can be uncomfortable for your dog, but it can be easily remedied with a dietary addition and exercise. If it persists for several days, consult your veterinarian.

