Treating Dog Fur Loss Caused by Parasites

The dog fur reflects the health of the dog. A dog with poor nutrition will have a dull and dry coat. Fur loss is often caused by stress, hormonal imbalance or skin problems.

Internal and external parasites may also cause fur loss. The parasites deprive the dog of the nutrients and he will be malnourished. As a result, his coat will be unhealthy and can become thinner or he may even lose fur.

Parasites, especially skin parasites such as mites or fleas, cause itchiness and your dog will be scratching and licking the area, causing fur loss and bald spots. Mites can cause a disease called sarcoptic mange, which causes massive hair loss.

Identify the Parasites

Look out for any symptoms that may point to the presence of a parasite:

  • Rashes
  • Itchiness
  • Crusty sores
  • Skin scales
  • Dull coat
  • Fur loss
  • Weak appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea or blood in the stool
  • Worms or worm segments in the stool

The vet will test the dog's skin and fur to identify any parasites. Skin scrapings will be needed to identify mites. Blood and other tests will show the presence of ringworm or other parasites. Ringworms cause hair loss that looks like a ring shape.

Most of the parasites can be treated with oral medication and dewormers. Skin parasites are often treated with a medicine called Ivermectin. Steroid topical ointments and shampoos may also be needed.

Once you relieve the itchiness, you dog will not lick and scratch, so the bald patches will disappear.


You will need to switch to a special formula shampoo to speed up the elimination of the parasites, to relieve itchiness and soothe the skin. There are special shampoos for fleas or mites available in pet health stores. These may contain insecticides, but have a gentle formula that won't cause further skin irritation.

Dog Clippers

You can get clippers to groom your dog and get rid of the external parasites that reside on his skin and coat. Get a pet grooming kit that includes clippers, which can get rid of the clumps of hair which are excellent nesting spots for parasites.

The newest clippers may be electric and have several speed options. Get a cutting tool that can adapt to a vacuum so it will absorb the hair, dander and parasites, making it easier for you to clean.

Clippers are not enough to treat the parasites. Combine the usage of clippers with parasite medication and shampoos.

Supplements for Dog Fur Loss

Some parasites such as fleas will feed on the blood of your pet. The pet will often be deprived of the necessary nutrients. This may result in vitamin deficiencies, so some supplements may be administrated to restore the health of the body, skin and coat of your pet.

Fatty acids are good for skin problems that involve itchiness and hair loss. Fish oil can also restore the shiny, healthy aspect of the dog's coat, so you may add this to your dog's diet.

