Dog Hip Pain Relief

Dog hip pain is usually caused either by hip dysplasia or by arthritis. The 2 conditions consist in abnormal development of joints and they are most common in tall dog breeds and in older dogs. Younger dogs can also experience hip pain because of joint inflammation caused by rapid growth (panosteitis), pulled muscles or signs of early hip dysplasia. Tumors located in the area can also cause pain, therefore it is really important to consult your veterinarian and have the cause of pain diagnosed correctly as soon as the first signs appear.

Dog Hip Pain Relief

It is important to know the exact cause of the hip pain in order to treat it correctly. Some conditions might even need surgery. However, in order to relieve your pet from pain, the veterinarian could prescribe both pharmaceutical remedies and alternative solutions.

Depending on what are the causes for hip pain in your dog, the veterinarian can prescribe:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
  • Pain medication
  • Antidepressants
  • Corticosteroids

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are probably the most common solution for pain and can be purchased over-the-counter. They act both as painkillers and reduce inflammation.

Buffered aspirin is probably the most popular among all anti-inflammatory medicine. Antidepressants are used in chronic pain relief and they are usually combined with other pain relief medication to manage long term pain.

Even though corticosteroids are not viewed by all veterinarians as pain relief medication, they might have a benefic effect on dogs suffering from inflammations of the joints since they are the strongest anti-inflammatory medication available. However, they are only prescribed if all other pain relief medication fail. Special care should be taken in observing whether this type of medication has any side effects on your pet. Anti-inflammatories can cause gastro-intestinal ulcers and corticosteroids might have even worse long-term side effects such as weakening joint cartilage. Therefore, is important to consult your veterinarian even if you can buy painkillers over-the-counter and to stop administering medication if you notice any curious behavior in your dog.

Alternative Solutions for Hip Pain Relief

There are several other solutions to help relieve your dog from hip pain. Most of them should be used together with medication.

  • Acupuncture
  • Weight loss and exercise
  • Proper accommodation
  • Physical therapy and massage
  • Essential oils mixtures
  • Herbs and homeopathic remedies

Acupuncture can be used as the only cure for pain or combined with medication or other alternative solutions.

Extra pounds are bad for your pet’s health and hip pain is worsened if the joints are overstressed. Therefore, losing weight should be one of the priorities in dogs with hip conditions. Exercise is recommended both for losing weight and for strengthening muscles and it’s best to consult your veterinarian for a proper exercise program since not all activities are recommended for dogs with a hip condition.

A warm environment and cushion beds will improve your dog’s condition. If your dog suffers from arthritis, for instance, damp cold weather will cause him more pain. You can also help your dog by learning how to massage the hip area to help relax muscles and regain mobility in the joints. You can also rub your pet with essential oils mixtures.

If you want to avoid the risks of side effects caused by traditional painkillers, you can always resort to homeopathic remedies.

