Dog Weight Gain Supplements

Dog weight gain is a common concern for pet owners challenged with emaciated dogs or pets that are underweight. Often, dogs don't gain weight even though the diet suits the pet's age and level of activity. Weight gain should be monitored in order to prevent obesity and heart disease. As a general rule if the dog's ribs can be counted by feeling the pet's torso area, the dog is considered healthy. However, it's best to seek veterinary advice about the pet's ideal weight according to its breed and age. Dogs whose ribs are easily noticed by the eye are considered underweight.

Underweight Dogs

Pet owners should take underweight dogs to the vet for a complete medical examination. It's also necessary to inform the vet if the dog suffers from frequent gastrointestinal disorders or the presence of worm segments in the feces. The vet will perform a fecal examination to detect any bacterial or worm infections. A urine analysis and blood test will also be performed to detect underlying diseases such as diabetes or viral infection. Sudden weight loss is an indicator of illness and pets should be diagnosed promptly to prevent disease progression.

Treatment for Weight Gain

The most common cause for lack of weight gain in dogs is parasite infection or disease. The pet will regain normal or healthy weight once the primary cause is treated. Pets that aren't suffering from disease should be treated with dietary modification. The dog's diet should be altered to suit the pet's level of activity. It's best to weigh the dog at intervals to determine change in weight. Although underweight pets require high quality protein sources, it's advisable to refrain from including high fat foods to the diet in order to promote weight gain. The amount of food, fed to the dog may be increased if the pet roams outdoors and indulges in exercise or play. Along with dietary modification, there are several commercially available supplements that promote weight gain.

Commercially Available Weight Gain Supplements for Dogs

  • Pet Enervite dog nutritional supplement
  • New Mark and Chappell Nurish UM paste for dogs
  • Tomlyn NutriCal for dogs
  • Full Petential Ultra Premium Probiotic Supplement for dogs

Weight Gain Supplements

The active ingredients present in each supplement vary. Several supplements are enriched with other vitamins and minerals essential to the dog's body. Most products work effectively to stimulate appetite and encourage the pet to consume food especially after illness or disease. Pet owners should read and follow package instructions before administering any supplements to the dog. In addition, it's best to discuss with the vet, nutritional supplements that suit the pet. Along with weight gain supplements, it's necessary to exercise pet's to keep their joints supple. Since diet and exercise are the fundamentals of good health, pet owners should ensure a healthy diet and choose only high quality food products.

Pet owners should read food labels and avoid dog food that contains by products or additives. Food that's flavored with chicken or beef may not necessarily contain chicken or beef. If the pet doesn't gain weight despite dietary modification and weight gain supplementation, other diagnostic testing will be necessary.

