Home Remedies for Dogs' Skin Problems

Of all of the various types of chronic conditions that affect dogs, skin problems are among the most common. Whether it's excessive itchiness, redness, irritation or some other problem, virtually every dog will have some sort of skin issue over the course of his life. Properly identifying the cause of the skin problem is the best way to go about treating it.

There are certain skin conditions that arise as a result of some other underlying condition, so it's crucial that you work with a veterinarian to determine exactly what is going on, even if the condition doesn't appear to be too severe on its own. Before you do that, if the skin problem is only mild and doesn't seem to cause your pet any immediate harm, there are a few home remedies that you can try to help clear up his skin conditions without taking the time and money to see a vet and obtain a prescription medicine.

Moisturizers to Relieve Skin Problems

There are several different natural treatments to help moisturize your pet's skin. Applied directly to the skin, they can help to relieve irritation and itchiness in many cases. Vitamin E based topical treatments are a good place to start. Because Vitamin E contains a wealth of benefits for skin health overall, you may also think of giving your pet a Vitamin E supplement, which is available in oral or tablet form as well. Other good moisturizing products include the following:

Each of these natural based products contains effective ingredients to help smooth out and moisturize your pet's skin. One of the benefits to using any of the natural moisturizers on this list is that they are oftentimes less expensive than the medicines that are available over the counter to serve the same purpose. They will also generally be free of side effects, though it's important that you work with your vet if you plan to give your pet any of these treatments anyway.

Antibacterials to Treat Dog Skin Infections

Antibacterial agents can help to eliminate infections and to clear up certain skin conditions that may be caused by bacteria on the surface of your pet's skin. Oftentimes, human formulated antibacterial topical creams are very useful in dogs as well. Look for antibacterials that contain ingredients like those found in neosporin to help eliminate mild bacteria on your pet's body. Be careful to properly clean and treat any open sores or lesions that your pet may have on his body before you apply any antibacterial.

You should also monitor your dog carefully after giving him an antibacterial topical treatment in order to be sure that he doesn't try to lick the cream off of his body, as this may disturb his intestinal system.


Natural remedies for parasites include garlic extract. If your pet has any surface level parasites on his skin, you may wish to consult with a veterinarian for further information about how to best deal with this issue.

