How to Give a Flea Control Cat Bath

It's important to give your pet a flea control cat bath periodically to get rid of flea infections. Fleas are parasites that live on the skin of your pet. They feed on the cat's blood and skin and cause great discomfort. Cats are highly sensitive to fleas and a single flea bite can make a cat scratch himself vigorously. Pets also lose large patches of hair in the process.

Detecting Flea Infections          

Fleas are usually found around the eyes, ears and anus. You can detect fleas on your cat by parting the fur and carefully examining the skin. If you see any dark specks, you can be sure that there are fleas on the body because those specks are nothing other than flea droppings. You can also identify infections by running a flea comb through the fur and checking for dark specks on the teeth of the comb.

Removing Fleas

Getting rid of fleas will require an aggressive approach.  Your home also will need to be cleaned and disinfected. It is likely that your cat will bring back fleas every time he steps out. You should therefore remove fleas from the pet's body every few days and keep your yard fumigated to avoid repeated flea infestations. Your vet can also prescribe sprays, pills, powders or medicated shampoos to control active flea infections.


Since fleas drown in water, bathing your pet regularly is one of the safest ways to remove these parasites. As a pet owner, you must train the cat to accept baths, preferably by bathing your pet while he is still a kitten. Since the effects of the shampoo last only a day or two, you must bathe your cat every day to completely get rid of the fleas.

You may find it easier to use a wash tub to clean your pet. If possible, try to have someone hold the cat while you wash him. Consider using only warm or tepid water. Keep all your products at hand so that you don't waste any time.

Bathing the Cat:

  • While trying to bathe your pet, do not put his head under water. You can use a soft cloth to wash the face.
  • Shampoo the area around the neck and leave a ring of lather to prevent the fleas from moving up to the head.
  • Wash downwards from the neck and towards the tail. It might help to leave the shampoo on the fur for a couple of minutes before rinsing.
  • Use downward movements to wash the shampoo off. The fleas will fall out easily into the tub along with the water.
  • Your pet must be rinsed completely so that the soapy suds do not remain on his body and cause skin irritation.
  • Dry the cat with a towel to make sure that he isn't damp. Cats are susceptible to respiratory problems if they are still wet when they move to a cooler area after a bath. This is why you must not leave any trace of water on the pet's body.
Regular flea baths will set your cat free from fleas. You should also discuss the benefits of using over the counter flea preventives with the vet. Although there are shampoos specifically designed to kill fleas, some of them contain harsh ingredients that irritate your pet's skin. Baby shampoo is a better alternative. Baby shampoos can be used more frequently because they are mild and soothe your pet's skin.
