How to Give a Dog Medicine

Giving dog medicine can be rated as either a very simple process, or an extremely difficult task. Only your dog can decide which way it is going to be. While some dogs have no problems taking medication, others will act out and fight it in any way that they can. Yet there are still a few different techniques that you can try to make giving your dog medicine a little easier.

Mix Medicine with Food

Mixing the medicine with your dog's food is probably one of the easiest ways to administer medicine—especially if your dog is the type that likes to fight it. However, this method can usually only work if the medicine comes in tablet form.

Liquid medications can be poured over your dog's food, but you are going to lose a lot of it in the bottom of his food bowl. The chances are that he will be repelled by the taste and he is not going to lick it up. So, this technique is most definitely a better selection for tablet form medications.

In order to mix the medicine with your dog's food, you can crush the tablet up or break it down into several small pieces. Then mix it around with his food so that it meshes together. Keep in mind that some dogs are hip to this trick and will strategically work their way around the medicine, eating only their food.

Use Medicine as a Treat

If you have never tried using your dog's medicine as a treat, then you can probably get him to take it this way. Although deception is not an especially great way of training your dog, if he is already trained you may have better luck getting him to take his medication if you act as though it is a treat.

Try getting your dog to sit down, lie down or perform any of his tricks for you and then reward him with his treat—the medication. Once he gets the treat, he may not be so happy about the taste but at least he has taken his medicine. The only problem with this tactic is that some dogs remember what the medicine looks like and how it smells and the technique may not work the second time around.

Put It down the Throat

When all else fails, the only thing left to do is to put your dog's medicine down the hatch. Your dog will probably not initially accept this manner of taking medicine. Yet if your dog is calm and trained well, there should not be any problems.

Simply take the pill in your hand, open your dog's mouth and place the pill at the back of his throat. Then lift his head and neck upwards and gently rub his throat until you hear him swallow. Once he has swallowed the medicine, you can then give him some water to help wash it down.

Once you get into a routine with your dog, this technique will probably be one of the easier ways to give your dog medicine. It is a quick and simple process and your dog will eventually learn to accept it as a normal practice.

