Is Dog Insurance Worth It?

A dog insurance is a type of insurance that you can use to cover the medical expenses for your dog, to cover possible lawsuits against your dog, to deal with your dog’s passing away or to get reimbursed if your dog gets stolen. There are many companies offering different types of insurance for your dog and many of them combine different situations which are ensured. As in human insurances, there are several aspects to be taken into consideration when deciding on which type of insurance is best or if insurance is needed at all.

Is Dog Insurance Worth It?

Whether dog insurance is worth it or not, it is up to you to decide. However, it is best to consider this option and evaluate the costs and the benefits rather than dismiss the idea from the very beginning.

You can buy an insurance to cover for your dog’s medical needs. If you have a healthy animal that does not need medical care and you rarely go for veterinarian checkups you might think a health insurance for your dog is not worth it. However, if all of a sudden an accident happens or your dog gets a serious disease that needs long term treatment and veterinarian consults, you might wish you had a medical insurance.

Nowadays veterinarian medicine can offer amazing treatments to dogs that had accidents or suffer from severe diseases such as cancer, but these treatments sometimes can be more expensive than expected.

Also, if your dog bites someone or disturbs you neighbor, you may get sued, so having an insurance to cover all the expenses is a good idea. 

To be on the safe side, dog insurance might be worth it, especially if you can find a less expensive policy.

Types of Dog Insurance

There are several types of insurance on the market and you can choose:

  • Dog health insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Injury insurance
  • Third party insurance
  • Lawsuit insurance

The health insurance is the most common type of insurance chosen by dog owners. In some dogs, health insurance might cost more than the yearly amount paid for his health. However, if something unfortunate happens to him, health care costs might rise unexpectedly. According to the type of policy, it could cover veterinary checkups, diseases, injuries and accidents, dental care, surgeries, emergency calls, long term treatments for serious illnesses (such as cancer or epilepsy), therapy and pain control. Choose the best option according to your budget and your dog’s predispositions and needs.  

You can also combine the health insurance with life insurance, which covers the costs associated with the dog’s death (euthanasia, cremation, burial) and even gives the owner a benefit for counseling.

There are companies that add to the dog insurance package coverage against lawsuits or lack of coverage insurance in case your dog gets stolen. If you decide to purchase an insurance package for your dog, you should be careful and find out what it actually covers and under which circumstances.

You can also choose a type of insurance which covers every important aspect related with your dog, from medical problems to lawsuits.

