Kennel Cough in Puppies: Recognizing the Symptoms

Kennel cough in puppies should be taken more seriously due to the puppy's young immune system and higher potential for complications. In order to catch the disease as soon as possible, watch out for the following symptoms:

  • a dry, hacking cough
  • retching
  • nasal or eye discharge
  • lack of appetite
  • lethargic behavior
  • fever

These symptoms are usually present for a few days in milder cases, and sometimes up to three weeks. Kennel cough left untreated can lead to pneumonia in puppies, so visit your vet to see if medications or treatment is needed.

If your puppy is not vaccinated, keep him away from other dogs to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria that may cause kennel cough. Vaccines will prevent severe symptoms of kennel cough, but won't offer complete protection. The vaccine requires up to four days until it is effective, so if you do want to vaccinate your puppy before exposing him to other animals, leave enough time after vaccinations until the dog is protected.

