Stopping Dangerous Kitten Chewing Behavior

Kitten chewing is dangerous both for the health of your cat and your furniture and goods.

Kittens chew from a number of reasons: teething, exploration, boredom or even hunger. This behavior is typical to small kitten and is rare at mature cats.

Risks of Kitten Chewing

Kitten can stumble on different objects and they start chewing on these. Some of the favorites are the wires and cords, which may electrocute your pet and can be fatal. House plants are also targeted and these may be toxic. The leather couch looks interesting for your kitten and so are your shoes or leather bags.


If your kitten is left by himself, it's most likely he will start chewing. So, to prevent that from happening, offer him a choice of different toys to play with. The toys may be soft or hard.

Scatter these toys around the house, and make sure to place some toys in a few challenging places-hang toys on threads, so that your cat can climb, walk or look under the furniture. Your kitten's curiosity will be pleased and you will give your pet a great workout, so he will have no time or energy to explore the wires, the cords or the couch.

Cover and Hide

Another way to stop your kitten from chewing cords and wires is to cover these as much as possible. Use metallic tubes for wires and plastic tubes to cover the cords. Even if your kitten will discover these, the chances of him getting close to wires are minimal.

Hide your shoes and bags in a room where your kitten doesn't have access. Lock the room.

Double-Sided Tape

Keep away your kitten from the area of wires and cords by placing double-sided tape on the floor or walls. Your kitten doesn't like sticky areas and will avoid these.

Bitter Tasting Spray or Gel

Another way to discourage your kitten from chewing things is to spray the targeted areas with a bitter tasting spray. You can find one at any pet store. Gels can be used also, but they are messy and may not be recommended on a leather couch or shoes.

Grass Chewing

If your kitten is interested in chewing your plants offer him some grass. It looks almost the same, will satisfy your kitten's curiosity. Grass is not toxic, while other house plants might be.

Plastic Straws

If your kitten is teething (between the ages of 3 to 6 months) give him a few plastic drinking straws to play with. The straws will satisfy your kitten and will entertain him.

