Metacam for Dogs

When it comes to medication for your pet, Metacam for dogs is a popular treatment option. Before giving your canine any medication, though, it is always good to know more about it.

Defining Metacam

Metacam is an NSAID, which means that it is an anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal drug. This means that it can relieve pain and lower body temperature without affecting your dog's consciousness. It is most commonly prescribed for arthritis, but it can also be used in treating cancer and to help manage pain from surgery or an injury.

Safety Issues

Metacam is considered to be a safe medication. That is not to say that it is without its side effects, however. Some of the more common, less severe side effects include:

There are more serious, but rare risks to taking this medication. These include:

With the less serious side effects, they should be mild and go away within a day or two. If they do not, it could be an indication that the more serious side effects are a possibility and you should stop the medication and contact your veterinarian immediately so that the two of you can figure out the best course of action. This is especially true if your dog develops symptoms of kidney failure. It is imperative that you watch out for this and take immediate action if you notice your dog urinating more and drinking abnormal amounts.

Benefits of Metacam

This is one of the first medications that has been found to be useful when it comes to treating pain in canines. It is also one of the ones that has the least amount of occurring side effects.

Administering Metacam to Your Dog

The two most common forms of Metacam for canines are liquid and injections. Liquid Metacam is thought to be much easier to not only get your dog to take, but to make certain that your dog is getting the right dosage, so that he doesn't get too much or too little. Dosage is prescribed by weight, which allows your vet to be very specific in how much or how little your dog is given. Metacam can also be administered through IV fluids and has a saline-like consistency, making it an easy drug to administer.

Since nausea is a side effect of this medication, it is sometimes recommended that you mix it with your dog's food to try to balance it out.

Poor Candidates for Metacam

There are some dogs that should not be administered Metacam, or where caution should be used. These include:

  • Elderly dogs
  • Dogs with kidney problems
  • Dogs with liver problems
  • Dogs taking aspirin
  • Dogs taking any medication that includes steroids
  • Dogs battling certain types of cancer

It is important that you speak with your veterinarian and that blood work is done before this medication is offered to your dog.

