A Guide to Natural Cat Flea Treatment

Cat flea treatment can be safe and effective using natural methods. Conventional flea treatments are much less toxic than what they used to be, and most healthy cats can safely tolerate these treatments. However, many owners are concerned about the long-term effects of toxic flea medication on their cats. Here's some more information about natural cat flea treatment.

Remember that "Natural" Doesn't Always Mean "Safe"

Many people believe that just because a medication is "natural" means it must be safe. This isn't necessarily so. The conventional medications used to treat cat fleas are often sythesized from natural ingredients. It's possible to overdose on natural treatments, and it's certainly conceivable that a natural flea treatment might have unpleasant, even deadly, side effects.

Pennyroyal used to be recommended to treat cat flea infestation; now, it's known that this herb is a liver toxin and can be fatal to cats. Citrus oil was once used; but it, too, is potentially fatal.

Don't Forget To Treat Your Home

Your cat's living environment will also need to be treated for flea infestation. No cat flea treatment can be effective if your cat's environment still contains fleas; he'll just become infested over and over again! Treat carpets, curtains, and upholstered furniture, as well as any other pets in the home. Your yard may also have to be treated for flea infestation.

Treating your cat's living environment is not only key to natural flea treatment, but can be of immense benefit to the prevention of flea infestation.

Choose A Natural Flea Shampoo

Giving your cat a regular bath with flea shampoo can go a long way toward the treatment of fleas. You'll want to bathe your cat every seven to ten days, as the flea life cycle lasts about two weeks, and new fleas are hatched every three days or so.

Choose a cat flea shampoo with an all-natural ingredient, such as Neem oil or d-limonene, that is both safe for use on cats and effective for the control of fleas. If all else fails, bathe your cat with Dawn dishwashing liquid; this is safe, gentle, and effective against fleas.

Make Your Own Herbal Flea Powder

You can purchase an herbal flea powder to help control flea infestation, or you can make your own at home. Combine one part each of as many of these powdered herbs as you can get your hands on:

  • Eucalyptus
  • Rosemary
  • Fennel
  • Wormwood
  • Yellow dock
  • Rue

Apply the herbal flea treatment to your cat's fur sparingly; use your palm or a small comb to brush it in. Try to work the powder into the base of your cat's hairs, and apply as often as necessary; if your cat's flea infestation is severe, you can apply this herbal powder several times weekly.

Supplement Your Cat's Diet

Brewer's yeast and garlic are said to be effective dietary aids for cat flea treatment. Both of these supplements can be purchased in tablet or powder form and crumbled or sprinkled over your cat's food. They work from the inside out to repel fleas; some vets believe they make your cat's blood unappealing to the parasites.

