Natural Dog Laxative Remedies

Learn more about choosing and using a natural dog laxative. Discover natural remedies proven successful by pet owners, and know when you should use a laxative and when to call a vet.

Offer Plenty of Water

Some cases of constipation occur simply because the dog isn't drinking enough water. Make sure the dog has access to fresh water throughout the day. The water will help soften stool, making it easier to pass. Water is the best natural dog laxative. It's good for the dog and is readily available in all homes. If your dog doesn't seem to readily drink water from a bowl, try a Drinkwell fountain. Many dogs prefer drinking running water. Letting the dog spend time drinking water from a sprinkler or hose will also work.

Ensure Your Dog Gets Plenty of Exercise

Dog's bowels are stimulated by exercise. Take your dog for a long walk or lengthy session of play to see if that will trigger the urge. Exercise is important to a dog. Your pet should get a morning and evening walk and a session where the activity heightens to run, such as playing fetch or running agility courses.

Add Fiber to the Dog's Diet

Fiber is a great dog laxative. Fiber helps the stool absorb water, making it easier to pass because it is softer. There area few forms of fiber that you can use. A tablespoon of bran meal to your dog's meals will help. Wheat germ, flax seeds and oat bran can also help with dog constipation. Psyllium husk is another possibility. The only side effect is excess gas, but the psyllium husk dog laxative is very effective. Dogs should receive one to five grams per pound of weight. Make sure the dog has extra water so the psyllium husk is able to work effectively.

Dietary Changes for Dog Constipation

Stop feeding your dog dry food and switch to a quality canned food. Canned food has a higher water content, which is helpful for stopping constipation. A raw food diet can also help, especially if you add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber.

When to Contact Your Vet

If the constipation is accompanied by vomiting, call your vet. There could be an intestinal blockage. Additionally, if your dog is refusing food or water or seems listless, make an appointment to rule out other underlying problems.

Some dogs, especially puppies, have bad habits of ingesting inedible items like sticks, rocks and even socks. If there is a chance the dog has ingested a foreign object, surgical removal may be necessary to clear the blockage. If you think your dog may have eaten something more than food, talk to your vet about having an X-ray of the intestines.

If three days of using a dog laxative haven't helped, it's important to contact your veterinarian. Most dogs have one or two bowel movements daily. The bowel lining is rather thin, so if the constipation goes on for too long, there is a chance some toxins from the fecal matter could leach into the bloodstream, causing additional problems.

