New Kittens Hiding

New kittens may hide when introduced to a new environment. A kitten's personality and past experiences will determine whether or not she will end up hiding when first part of a new home. Encouraging a kitten to become more comfortable in the home is a delicate balancing act.

Why Kittens Hide

New kittens that are easily overwhelmed or shy may not take well to a new home at first, especially if the kitten has had a traumatic life so far. Finding a dark, quiet corner of the home in which to hide gives these kittens a little comfort, because it makes facing the new environment, new people and potentially other new animals less overwhelming.

The kittens' hiding spaces are usually quite confined as well; cats naturally feel that they can control their environment by finding a small area in which it is impossible for something to sneak up on them from all sides. This will give the new kitten comfort.

Before Letting the Kitten Hide

There is one thing that cat owners should do before letting their new kittens hide away. As soon as the kitten is brought from the shelter, introduce her to her litter box, food dish and water bowl areas by placing her down in the middle of the area. It's important that the kitten knows where to access these things.

What Not to Do

The biggest mistake owners can make when faced with new kittens that prefer to hide is to try to force the kittens out into the open. Grabbing at the kitten and pulling her out of her hiding spot will be forcing her out of the one small area in which she feels in control and relaxed. Owners that force her out of her hiding spot make her feel as if there is no spot in which she can feel safe and relaxed, and will actually encourage the cat to want to hide all the more.

Do not bother the cat when she's hiding and try to keep other animals and people away from the kitten. If an owner notices that the kitten's coming out from hiding to use the litter box and eat, the kitten is not likely experiencing any medical dilemma and is simply getting used to her new environment. Owners should let her explore the home at her own pace.

Building Trust

While letting the new kittens hide and get used to the new environment at their own pace, cat owners can try a few techniques for building trust with the wary kittens. When the owner spots the kitten coming out from hiding and quietly exploring and sniffing around the home, they should not approach the kitten and get excited. Just let the kitten be. In time the kitten may come up to the owner, at which point they can bend down to her level and slowly extend a hand out to invite the kitten to sniff. If the kitten approves, the owner can then pet her.

It may also help the cat to hear the owner talk aloud in a calm, inviting tone as she explores and hides. She may become accustomed to hearing the owner's voice and want to investigate.

