Nutritional Yeast for Cats

Nutritional yeast may be added to the cat’s diet and may have various benefits such as improving the pet’s level of energy and making his coat shinier and healthier. The nutritional yeasts may also be a great source of proteins and vitamins and can be given to your cat if he has a vegan or vegetarian diet. However, before introducing these supplements, it’s also important to know the possible side effects of the nutritional yeast.

Nutritional Yeast for Cats

Nutritional yeast is a compound that is often used by vegan and vegetarian people. The substance can be used in the making of non-dairy “cheeses”, having the taste of cheese and nuts.

Nutritional yeast is a substance that may be introduced in the cat’s diet, especially if the diet is vegan or vegetarian. However, even cats that eat meat can benefit of nutritional yeast in their diet.

Nutritional yeast is a rich source of proteins and vitamins from the B complex, especially B12.

The nutritional yeast is obtained through mixing the yeast with sugar cane and other molasses. The nutritional yeast may be found in the form of powders or flakes.

The yeast may give a special taste to the food, but some cats may not like it.

Typically, you can add 2 to 5 tbsp of nutritional yeast to each of the cat’s meals.

Benefits of Nutritional Yeast

The nutritional yeast is a great protein source and it is also poor in fats, so it is ideal for cats that require a supplementation of proteins.

The benefits of nutritional yeast in felines include:

  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Is a great source of energy for the pet, providing him with the energy needed for the day
  • Will make the skin and coat healthy and shiny
  • Will make the cat feel full for longer, so that he won’t snack and be prone to becoming obese

Side Effects of Nutritional Yeast

Most commonly, cats won’t have negative reactions or side effects. However, if you consider administering nutritional yeast to your cat, you should know about the possible side effects.

Some possible side effects of nutritional yeast may include:

  • Increased uric acid in the urine, which can lead to kidney disease in the long run
  • Skin rashes in rare cases

Some cats may be allergic to nutritional yeast, so it’s important to detect any symptoms that your feline develops an allergic reaction. Watch out for skin rashes, itchiness, hair loss, vomiting or abnormal consistency of feces.

Discontinue the administration of nutritional yeast to the cat’s food if you notice any adverse reactions and you can link these to the new supplement in your pet’s diet.

Periodical urine tests may be performed to ensure that the uric acid levels are normal. Your vet may recommend some additional supplements that will reduce the levels of uric acid, should these be higher than usual.

