Preventing Stomach Gas in Dogs

Gas in dogs is a common problem and can be caused by a number of different things. The majority of dogs will suffer from gas from time to time, and there isn't much a pet owner can do about this. Diet is one of the most common causes of gas in dogs, and what you feed your pet may be contributing to the amount of flatulence he has. Allergies to specific foods or ingredients in dog foods can also cause gas and flatulence in your pet. Dogs often cannot digest the ingredients found in many dog foods, and will get gas as a result of this. 

Preventing Stomach Gas in Dogs

As mentioned earlier, it is not uncommon for your pet to have episodes of gas. This can be normal, and there isn't a lot you can do about mild episodes of gas in your dog. If your dog has excessive gas, however, it many indicate a more serious problem in his diet and nutrition. The food you are feeding your pet may be the wrong kind of food to be giving him, or he may be allergic to an ingredient that is in his food. 

In general, feeding your pet a high quality dog food rather than a cheaper, low quality food is better. Low quality dog foods usually contain fillers such as wheat and corn, and most dogs have problems digesting these ingredients. Low quality dog food almost always leads to excessive gas, as your pet cannot properly break down and digest the food. These foods are also less nutritious than higher quality foods. 

Switching to another source of protein can also be considered when treating gas in your dog. If your pet is allergic to chicken or beef, try venison, lamb, rabbit, or quail instead. Your pet may just be sensitive or allergic to the protein source he is consuming. 

It is recommended that pet owners do not feed their pets dairy products, such as milk, cheese, or ice cream. Dairy items are notorious for causing excessive gas in dogs, and can be very fattening. It is generally not healthy to feed a dog something sugary and fattening like ice cream, as well. 

Feeding your dog more than once can also help get rid of flatulence in dogs. Feeding twice a day will mean smaller portions, and your pet will have more time to digest the food than if he ate it all at once. Elevating the food bowl can also help with gas problems, as less air is likely to be swallowed during feeding time. 

Exercise and Gas in Dogs

If is strongly recommended that dogs exercise at least a few times a week, but dogs should not exercise right before eating. Pet owners should allow at least 15 to 20 minutes after exercising for meal time. Your dog will not be breathing as heavily after 20 minutes, and this prevents him from swallowing excessive amounts of air while eating. It also allows time for the digestive juices in his system to work before eating too soon.

